Yes, you are correct that Scriptless is using an old version of Font Awesome. I left it there because the changes were so significant and I am concerned about backward compatibility. I’m happy to revisit the issue, though, and if I can manage it seamlessly, update.
In the meantime, one option would be to not use Scriptless’ FA at all–uncheck the second and third checkboxes on the Plugin Styles option–and add the icon CSS needed to use the newer version of Font Awesome. If you are already loading the Font Awesome 5 CSS, it should be as straightforward as adding this CSS, either to your theme style.css or to the additional CSS in the Customizer:
.scriptlesssocialsharing-buttons .button .sss-name {
margin-left: 8px;
.scriptlesssocialsharing-buttons .button:before {
font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Brands';
font-size: 20px;
.scriptlesssocialsharing-buttons .twitter:before {
content: '\f099';
.scriptlesssocialsharing-buttons .facebook:before {
content: '\f09a';
.scriptlesssocialsharing-buttons .pinterest:before {
content: '\f0d2';
.scriptlesssocialsharing-buttons .pocket:before {
content: '\f265';
.scriptlesssocialsharing-buttons .linkedin:before {
content: '\f0e1';
.scriptlesssocialsharing-buttons .email:before {
font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free';
content: '\f0e0''
.scriptlesssocialsharing-buttons .reddit:before {
content: '\f281';
.scriptlesssocialsharing-buttons .whatsapp:before {
content: '\f232';
Another option, which is what I’m working toward in the plugin itself, is to switch from using the web fonts to using SVG icons instead. Using the web font would continue to be an option, and might be preferable if you are already loading the FA styles.
Thank you for putting in the request!