• Here is my blog site — https://23nine.com/blog (using Minimalist Theme by Joey Robinson)

    I want to be able to change the hover color, text color, text size, uppercase to both upper and lower case, and so on, in the header/ sidebar/ post titles. I know that editing is handled thru the stylesheet (I have also installed Firebug for editing purposes). I would just like to know where/how to make the changes.

    I have made what I thought were correct changes in Firebug (even so much as to see the correct color show) and then it does not save the edits.

    I would be thrilled with your advice and direction!! THANKS!!

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  • You can’t actually edit the files via Firebug. It simply shows what you could achieve if you edited the appropriate stylesheet file.

    Thread Starter bobbyvbobby


    OK, got it!

    If you have one minute would you telling me where in stylesheet I can change and/or add a command that will alter, say color, for the post titles. If I can just see how it is to look and the appropriate place to add it I will figure out the rest!

    That would be terrific —- in the meantime I will also scour the forums to see if I can find it myself.



    h2.contentheader {

    in minimalist/styles/white.css

    Thread Starter bobbyvbobby


    thanks —-

    what I have listed is :
    h2.contentheader{ cursor: pointer; position:relative; float:left; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px; font-family:arial; font-weight:bold; font-size:20px; text-transform:uppercase; clear:left;}
    h2.contentheader:hover{ }
    h2.contentheader:active{ }

    — can I just enter a command in there that changes color or changes uppercase to both upper & lower case or whatever… I have tried adding color:#660000; in there with the other commands and saving changes but nothing ever happens. Just as I have with changing the hover color or sidebar color or header or what have you. OBVIOUSLY I am doing something incorrectly but cant find a forum comment to get me thru it.

    Am I in the right neighborhood in stylesheet???

    Thread Starter bobbyvbobby


    extra comment —-

    Under my header.php I have —
    <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url’); ?>” />
    <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/styles/white.css” title=”white” />

    — the last line denoting the “styles/white.css” you referred to. But that is the only place I see that. Can I make edits there that will have the effects I want for say changing color of title posts?? (i’m thinking that answer is no!)

    Just curious as to my next move? Did you say “hire someone??” ha!

    Thread Starter bobbyvbobby



    while I am at it, why do I get more info from just pulling up the source code from my VIEW tab than I do in the stylesheet itself??? I know there is a reason, just would like to know it! ha! It just seems the source code has all the text and info that I dont see in the style.css area in the editor — clue me in if you would!

    You’ll only be able to access white.css by using FTP to download it from wp-content/themes/minimalist/styles. Adding something to style.css won’t work as that sheet is being loaded by:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" />

    which is before white.css is loaded. The cascade order means that white.css takes precedence.

    What you could try doing is editing header.php and just after:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/styles/white.css" title="white" />


    <style type = "text/css" media="screen">
    h2.contentheader {color:#600;}
    Thread Starter bobbyvbobby


    Very helpful. And as always thanks for your response — I will certainly give it a go!

    I have filezilla and will try to extract the proper source code for the white.css and edit from there if I can without blowing up the whole page! I was just hoping there was a command or line of code I could place in the stylesheet that would allow an addition/changing of a “hover color” or content/post title color. Since it lists font-size, font-family, and so on, in the stylesheet I was wondering if it was possible to just place a “font-color” (with a corresponding hex color #) and edit in that manner?!!?

    I owe you lunch for the help!

    Thread Starter bobbyvbobby


    I just tried adding the code you had placed above —- while it did not work it did make the page disappear! Always good for the heart! ha!

    I will try and edit thru the ftp if I can figure it out — in the meantime, come up with a quick, easy, non blog disappearing, remedy that allows me to just change the font hover color or post titles font color from within the stylesheet in WP editor! you can name the place for lunch when you do — happy to treat!

    Typing error! Sorry!

    <style type = "text/css" media="screen">
    h2.contentheader {color:#600;}
    Thread Starter bobbyvbobby


    I did try that again as you suggested. I don’t think it was a typo on your part as it made my page disappear again! ha!

    I will go thru the ftp and figure it out from there. When I used firebug (or even the source code from my View tab in the browser)to pull up the area of code I wanted to change I was able to correctly make the edit and, as you said, SEE how it would look if it were in fact edited and upoaded. My problem was when I pulled it up thru filezilla (and the text editor) I got the same stylesheet info I had thru WP Editor. So, once again I am obviously doing something incorrectly there that I will read thru and try to figure out over a margarita!

    Still, how is it I cant just toss in a {font-color:#660000;} type command in the header or content area and have it read it?? heck, it reads font-size, font-weight, font-family, just fine in there, sheeeesh! ha!

    thanks for your help and time!!!!

    Do make sure that when you add that style block, you’re not accidentally pasting over something in header.php. It does sound as if that’s what is happening.

    You can also just try adding:

    h2.contentheader {color:#600;}

    to the bottom of white.css if you’re comfortable with using Filezilla to download white.css and then upload the amended file again.

    And, note, it’s color not font-color. That CSS attribute actually changes the foreground color (which just so happens to include visible text).

    Thread Starter bobbyvbobby


    Helloooooo ESMI!

    yeah, that would be my giddy voice! SO, right off, dont shoot me here but I think I should have started with the fact I am being hosted thru Yahoo and hey, guess what, they have a File Manager all included in my ecommerce hosting plan. Who knew!

    Yep, should have read the directions before opening this big box of ftp all over the floor! ha!

    Was able to easily find and edit thru there (had it thru file zilla too, but was much easier with the yahoo file manager)– good gosh, I want to edit just for the sake of editing now!

    ONE last question for this particular thread. I have added a “text” widget on my page and plan to add a couple more. Can you tell me, please, where I would change the font color for the text itself. I take it that its in the body of the white.css as well — just wasnt sure which item it was noted as in order to edit?!?!

    THANKS SOOOO MUCH for your time and effort —- I am sure I will toss a forum question again soon. ALL my best to you and just let me know where I should send your gift certificate for lunch!!

    —- https://23nine.com/blog —– take a look and, agian, thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter bobbyvbobby


    OK, maybe one last little thing …..

    When you click on a post you get the…

    …which lies under the text of the post itself. I am happy to toss another gift certificate if you can tell me what that is considered in the white.css in order to change the font color there as well. MANY , tooooo many thanks!


    I can’t see a text widget on your pages. Do you have a link to a specific page?

    However, the Tags, Posted etc stuff is being styled by:

    #postinfotext {
    border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc;
    border-top:1px dashed #ccc;

    in white.css again. Should be around line 63 in the file.

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