• Resolved cortendonkelaar


    When adding or editing a page or a message in WordPress a pop-up occurs with the text: “Failed to load content css: https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato“. I can delete the message and continue in a normal way to create or edit the page. But it is very annoying every time you have to do something to a page on your website.
    The source has to be found in the plug-in NextGEN Gallery, because when I disable this specific plug-in the problem does not show itself. Other plug-ins have no effect.
    I tried to find a solution in several Forums but nowhere is a clear and effective answer available.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Imagely


    @cortendonkelaar – Although we do load that font for the IGW interface we’re not seeing this issue anywhere else.

    Errors like this can sometimes occur due to a conflict on your site. I’d like to have you try a few things. Please try deactivating all of your plugins, clearing your browser cache (and site caches if you are using a caching plugin), then reactivating the NextGEN Gallery plugin(s)?

    If this fixes the problem it was likely one of the deactivated plugins causing the issue. Now, retrace your steps activating each plugin (one at a time) and re-checking to see if the problem returns. If it does then that last activated plugin was probably the one. Keep reactivating the plugins as it is also best to keep checking after each plugin, sometimes there may be more than one plugin on a site that will create an issue. If you do find one (or more) plugins causing this problem we would greatly appreciate your feedback on them so the developers may address them as soon as they can.

    Also to note, in rare cases, it may be the theme itself that is causing a conflict so while you have just the NextGEN plugin activated you might consider temporarily switching to one of the WordPress Twenty series themes and see if this corrects the issue as well.

    If the problem still persists after all of this we would still want to know, even more so, as we will still want to sort out the issue and may need additional details.


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter cortendonkelaar


    Dear Cais,

    Everything in your advice is allready tried. That is why I discovered that NextGen is the plug-in that causes the problem. All other plug-ins showed no such problem. Also switching to an other theme did not eliminate the problem. I am sorry to say but NextGen is the origin of the problem.
    Through the editor I searched every single file that is part of NexGen Gallery, but I could not detect any line in which Font-Family Lato is mentioned. That makes it even more mysterious.
    Do you have another solution?

    Plugin Contributor Imagely


    @cortendonkelaar – Have you looked through your other plugins / current theme for where the font call is being made? This might provide more insight into the issue at hand.


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter cortendonkelaar


    Dear Cais,

    I allready mentioned that the problem occurs when NextGen is activated. As soon as the plug-in is de-activated the prblem does not exist.
    To be assured I followed your question and checked the other plug-ins and theme for a line in which the font call is mentioned. But no result. I still conclude that NextGen is the source of the problem.

    Any other solution?


    Plugin Contributor Imagely


    @cortendonkelaar – Please send us a Bug Report (https://imagely.com/report-bug/ … please reference this topic) so we can get a better look under the page at your site.

    Please include as many details as you can about your site and the issue at hand so we can move on this as fast as possible.


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter cortendonkelaar


    Dear Cais,
    It looks a kind of spooky, but the problem does not exist anymore. Today I was able to look at the website again and editing a page or creating a new page could be done in the usual way. The pop-up does not show itself.
    So it seems the problem solved itself. Therefore is sending a bug report an unnecessary action.

    Thanks for your support and co-thinking.
    The topic can be closed.


    Plugin Contributor Imagely


    @cortendonkelaar – Thanks for the update!

    – Cais.

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