Hi Lyrathemes
Thanks for getting back to me.
What I am trying to achieve is capitalize the name of the site (so it reads ‘ELLCon’, instead of ‘ELLCON’), and increase the size of the sub-header (European Literary Conference)
Since, I couldn’t find a way to do this using the theme customisation options, I tried to do this via Google Fonts.
Screenshots are attached (site still in maintenance mode)
Header – https://i.imgur.com/BgOcOT4.jpg
Header with Google fonts applied – https://i.imgur.com/SGJh98o.jpg
Featured Posts – https://i.imgur.com/bcMDh5K.jpg
Featured Posts with Google fonts applied – https://i.imgur.com/DDfdjet.jpg
I succeeded in capitalising the header and increasing the size of the sub-header.
However, this was at the cost of the menu items shrinking in size (i.e. increasing the size of the sub-header via Google Fonts decreased the size of the menu item font).
the search bar in the Menu also becomes all gobbledegook on applying Google Fonts.
Is there a way for me to capitalise ‘ELLCon’ and increase the size of the sub-header without using Google Fonts? or if Google fonts is the only option, can I prevent the menu item font from shrinking in size when I apply google fonts?
The second problem I have is that on applying google fonts, the proportion of the header and the text size on the menu items changed completely.
On a slightly different topic, is it possible to hide the text from the posts in ‘featured posts’ and get it to display only the featured image or featured image + title (but not the text)?
Thank you very much for your time.
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by