• Resolved wordpresser


    Hi all, thank you fr the support. I want to change the related post headline font size and the title font size of the related posts. they are so small. can you please help me. thank you so much.

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  • Plugin Support supernovia


    Sure, you’ll need to experiment with the sizes and how they do with your theme, but this may help:

    #jp-relatedposts h3.jp-relatedposts-headline {
    	font-size: 1.5em;
    #jp-relatedposts .jp-relatedposts-items .jp-relatedposts-post .jp-relatedposts-post-title a {
    	font-size: 1.5em;
    	line-height: 1.5em;
    #jp-relatedposts .jp-relatedposts-items p {
        font-size: 1.1em;
    	  line-height: 1.3em;

    Be sure to check out how it looks on mobile as well.

    Thread Starter wordpresser


    @supernovia Thank you so much for the help, appreciate your efforts and support.
    I’ll try it and see how it works. ??

    Plugin Support supernovia


    You bet. If it doesn’t work, please include a link to the site so we can see what you see.

    Thread Starter wordpresser


    @supernovia I put the code above to my function.php and it says there is an error line 19. I am sorry but I am a beginner of WordPress does not know much about these things. please inform me where to place the code. thank you so much for the help.

    Plugin Support supernovia


    Oh, I’m sorry. Please don’t put it in function.php; you’ll want to take it out.

    This belongs in Additional CSS under Customize.

    Thread Starter wordpresser


    @supernovia great thank you so much.

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