• Hi Support,

    FontAwesome does not work on pages and posts where videos are located, other pages are ok and FontAwesome works there. I am using Ashe theme, other theme (Sparkling theme), that i had before, had videos and working FontAwesome, but i am looking updated and better theme, i may go to Ashe Pro version, Sparkling theme that i had before, had no php 8 support and with newer wordpress versions slider stopped working.

    With older 5.5.11 wordpress and php 7.4.x – all was well with Sparkling theme. Now i am @ upgrade path to wordpress 6 and php 8. I hope someone can help me out. I may have some optimization enabled for the site.

    I have made video galleries with it and i would like to continue use this. Video plugin for Gallery: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/utubevideo-gallery/

    If you can recommend other very lightweight and free youtube/vimeo video gallery plugin, that works fast and looks good, i could test it out, but still other work todo if needed to change this plugin, galleries are made before and i like to make new ones.

    With gratitude,


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @marxveix

    At first, thank you for choosing our theme and service.

    Please Navigate to Tools > Site Health > Info (tab) and click on the “Copy site info to clipboard” button, then send the information to our email: [email protected]
    Also, navigate to Tools > Export – choose All Content and click on Download Export File and then send this file to our email – [email protected] as well
    We will analyze your system and replicate the same case. This will help us to debug the issue much easier and provide a faster solution.

    Kind Regards

    Thread Starter marxveix


    Hi wprsupport,

    I can send site health information also if needed, but it is about three plugins in my case, wp-disable, utubevideogallery and tabs responsive and about only one setting inside wp-disable plugin, that makes the difference.




    If i disable this opiton, Minimize requests and load?Font Awesome?asynchronous inside wp-disable plugin, then it works normal.

    Probably i need to change wp-disable plugin, but there are a lot of other things, that improve performance of the site there. What plugin or code you can recommend for Font Awesome asynchronous load to work with ashe theme? I can use ashe child theme functions.php also, so no need for extra plugins.

    Thank you,



    There is not only FontAwesome issue. Default Google Fonts are not loading as well, some 3rd party plugins may be causing issues, our theme works fine 100%. Sorry but we can’t help you without accessing your Dashboard and it’s not allowed by www.ads-software.com, so that’s all we can say for now.

    Kind Regards

    Thread Starter marxveix


    Hi Duke,

    Google fonts are disabled by me and all ok with that.

    How to disable internal fontawesome completely and use external fontawesome min with ashe free or pro theme?

    For sparkling theme this code works:

    function dfa_no_more_fontawesome() {
    			global $wp_styles;
    			$patterns = array(
    			$regex = '/(' .implode('|', $patterns) .')/i';
    			foreach( $wp_styles -> registered as $registered ) {
    				if( preg_match( $regex, $registered->src) ) {
    					wp_dequeue_style( $registered->handle );
    					wp_enqueue_style( 'font-awesome', '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css' );
    				}	//	END if( preg_match...
    			}	//	END foreach
    		}	//	End function dfa_no_more_fontawesome
    	}	//	End class Dequeue_Font_Awesome
    }	//	End if (!class_exists("Dequeue_Font_Awesome")) (1)
    if( class_exists( 'Dequeue_Font_Awesome' ) ) {

    With gratitude,


    Thread Starter marxveix



    I bought Ashe Pro, now site is slower than with free version it is and sidebars are missing in pages, with posts pages they are visible and some text needs to be translated, with free version all was translated automatically. Also slider is visible only in posts page and i would like to show slider only in main page, like it was in free version, not in posts page, how it is right now.

    If i download demo content, does it makes site even more slow and if i do that, does my previous content will be gone, for sure, i would like to have all that i made before (with other theme), still available here.

    Ashe theme has new posts widget, but does not have popular posts widget, why is it like that, can you add this or i need to use other plugin for that?

    Woocommerce search does not work, other posts and pages search works well. For me free version works better, but misses some functions, woocommerce integration would be bit better, still it can be a good theme.

    Also one picture is different in woocommerce checkout page than all the others themes, that i have tested and tested i have a lot of free themes.

    What are the advanced woocommerce options vs free version? Shop basket i do not had in pro version and for that i used other free plugin.

    One thing at a time, how to show slider only in main page with Ashe Pro?

    Thank you, MarxVeix

    Hi @marxveix

    For the Ashe pro related questions, please contact us via this email address: [email protected]

    Kind Regards

    Thread Starter marxveix


    Hi wprsupport,

    I have emailed two letters there, still zero reply, one was about online payment, online payment was disabled in my bank card, this i enabled and other email was about ashe pro child theme download link, that i already found.

    Ashe pro positive side: fontawesome with ashe pro and that wp disable setting works well, all videos and tabs are fine with fa, ashe free does not.

    I send third email and i hope i get reply, thank you wprsuppport.

    With gratitude, MarxVeix

    Hi @marxveix

    Thanks for reaching out, our support will contact you definitely, maybe the delay was caused because of holidays.

    Kind Regards

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