• Hi,

    First of all thank you for this amazing plugin.

    So, we found an issue with your plugin version 1.3.6, when we tried to use latest version of FontAwesome icons font. It seems that you have added code in wpmm.css on line 2177

    .fa {
        font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome !important;

    Version 1.3.2 hadn’t effect on font awesome icons.

    Please, try to move this code to your fontawesome css file, and when we deactivated loads fontawesome in the plugin settings, it will make sense and will not brake icons.

    I am sorry for my english.
    Thank you.

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  • Hi there,

    Thanks a lot for using WP Mega Menu and letting us know about the FontAwesome issue. Yes, we have got the issue as you have said.

    Surely, it will be fixed in our next update. We will love to hear a lot of suggestions for WP Mega Menu from you.


    Hi Medhedi, in relation to the FontAwesome issue, is there likely to be support for FontAwesome5 included in this next update?

    Other portions of my site already include FA so I had ‘Load font-awesome css in theme’ off (as it was a duplicate to other sections of my site) however those are now FA5 and using class=”fas fa-clock” instead of class=”fa fa-clock” as a result all my menu icons broke. I worked out I needed to turn on the mega menu FA css back on so it’s not the end of the world, but FA5 support would still be amazing ??

    This issue still exists in 1.3.7, that !important declaration is still there.

    Hello @bazza_87,
    Add this code in your additional CSS option,

    .fas, .fa {
        font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free"; 
        font-weight: 900;  

    I hope your problem will be solved.


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