Hi @jayrenn,
I’ve been digging into this and it seems your theme has an option somewhere for an ajax loading screen. When enabled the themes JavaScript binds to every anchor in the page that the following (extremely long) selector matches:
a[href]:not(.no-ajaxy):not([target="_blank"]):not([href^="#"]):not([href^="mailto:"]):not(.comment-edit-link):not(.magnific-popup):not(.magnific):not(.meta-comment-count a):not(.comments-link):not(#cancel-comment-reply-link):not(.comment-reply-link):not(#toggle-nav):not(.logged-in-as a):not(.add_to_cart_button):not(.section-down-arrow):not([data-filter]):not(.pp):not([rel^="prettyPhoto"]):not(.pretty_photo)
The specific code can be found on line 12075 of the https://soulmazing.com/wp-content/themes/salient/js/init.js file. As you can see they specifically make exceptions for Magnific and PrettyPhoto lightboxes in this selector but any other type of lightbox would cause this same issue to occur.
There are basically three options you have to correct this:
1. Ask the theme developers to change this behavior so it works with FooBox as well.
2. Add the no-ajaxy
class to every anchor you want displayed with FooBox.
3. You can modify the JavaScript yourself and add in :not(.foobox):not([target="foobox"])
to the end of the selector on the previously mentioned line but this change would be lost when updating the theme.