Footnote Numbers Don’t Match
I am working on my first post and don’t have it published, so I cannot provide a link. However, I did link to a brief screenshot of my undesirable result.
The word I am footnoting is “Kalahome”, which is properly footnoted; the sentence just beneath it that begins “Mr T …” is the beginning of what will be a very long essay. As I said, I am just starting this post.
So “Kalahome” is my first footnote attempt. And please note that I do NOT have the option “Hide Footnotes after post content” selected, yet there is that “2” immediately above the Footnotes label that ─ when hovered over ─ displays the text I want footnote “1” linking to.
Yet I have not begun a second footnote ─ I have not proceeded that far yet in my post.
As well, you can see that just beneath the Footnotes label is the “1.” with the directing red arrow that I do indeed want displayed; but the plain-text “2.” that is just beneath that is the start of the footnote information that’s also being displayed by the live-link “2” just above the Footnotes label.
Maybe we aren’t supposed to have exceptionally long footnotes? ─ I probably have as many as 40 lines of text with five breaks for paragraphs within that text as my footnote.
And / or maybe I’m just not using the proper footnote coding? I can see that the footnote numbers are generated with [efn_note][/efn_note], and we don’t seem to need to insert the footnote number between those enclosures.
But what about the text of information that we want the footnote to link to? Is it the very same code? ─ that is, [efn_note] just ahead of the first word of the very long footnote text, and then [/efn_note] immediately after the final word?
I have deleted the Easy Footnotes plugin twice, and even run WP-Optimize after the second deletion, before uploading Easy Footnotes a third time. And the only adjusting I did in the options area this third time was to tick the “Insert Easy Footnotes Label” box ─ I never touched the “Hide Footnotes after post content” option, so there shouldn’t be a live-link “2” (nor any other live-linked number) that ─ when hovered over ─ is displaying the footnote information.
But I can’t seem to be rid of it.
I’m using the Weaver Xtreme theme, and the Classic Editor of WordPress.
I don’t know if I’ve adequately explained my problem ─ I hope I haven’t detailed so much that this has become too bewildering to understand.
I’m wiped out for today, so I’m going to shut this down and worry on it tomorrow. Maybe there isn’t a solution ─ perhaps my specific website setup is one of those for whom the plugin is simply incompatible.
I’m willing to accept that, so please don’t knock yourself out trying to respond to this confusion as I have presented it.
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