• ResolvedPlugin Contributor Aharon


    I hesitate to mention this display issue as everything else is working so well, and I’m just so happy to see this excellent plugin being worked on again.

    But I did notice this display issue after 2.1.1 — when a footnote tooltip is located near the right edge of the browser, it appears to be causing the page to grow to accommodate the tooltip in that direction, thus causing the browser to show the horizontal scrolling bar (something I haven’t seen in many, many years!).

    I think the previous behavior of the plugin was that the tooltip would automatically size itself leftward on the page and not force horizontal scrolling ever (but I could be mistaken).

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  • Plugin Contributor pewgeuges



    You are totally right, thank you for raising this issue. I overlooked that unlike a checkbox, a Yes/No selectbox has no, not an empty string, for the boolean false in its default settings. Only for this morning’s bugfix release 2.1.2 I noticed and corrected the error. Too late! Wrong settings may already be baked in databases!

    The fix is to switch back to jQuery?UI tooltips, in the dashboard under the Customize tab > Mouse-over box > Use alternative tooltip implementation -> No.

    My apologies for this new mishap! Except for the fixed width, the alternative tooltips may look exactly the same as the auto-sizing jQuery tooltips, including the font size—don’t know why it is too small on your website—but the condition is that the page layout has a wide margin so as to leave enough room, like on thearcticinstitute.org.

    Please let us know if this solves the issue. Sorry again for my mischief.

    Plugin Contributor Aharon


    This solved the issue. Thank you!

    (re: the font size — that is due to a tweak I made in the CSS in the options tab.)

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Aharon.
    Plugin Contributor pewgeuges


    Thank you very much for your feedback, that is helping me a lot again!

    The tooltip font size: It shall become a setting. Initially it was hard-coded to 13px, that seemed too small to me when I set it to inherited, but a fixed width may indeed be preferable, only I consider it overstepping to impose a size, and even to set it to override custom CSS. Now I’ve just lowered custom CSS to come after the settings CSS, so it will override anything before in the page source.

    The index column width in the reference container: When adding a new table row template for combined identical footnotes, I needed to give the index column a new CSS class, but forgot to add it in the style sheet, also because testing didn’t make the issue about equal default column widths appear to me. Now it’s done:

    .footnote_plugin_index_combi {
        max-width: 140px;
        width: 2em;     /*auto-expanding column to fit widest*/

    That really works. But on https://opensiddur.org/prayers/secular-calendar/united-states/election-day/prayer-voting-truah-rabbinic-call-human-rights/ it makes the first column slightly narrower than the width="50" that you needed to add in the template. I’m sorry that you needed again. The design goal is to support everything by settings (beside special custom CSS) so that plugin updates won’t hurt anymore.

    This cell width setting shall be added. In case of many combined references it enables to take control over whether these items cause the column to expand laterally, or the row to expand vertically.

    User experience: When fixing the dead links in combined footnotes with a new template I restricted clickability to the very backlink items instead of the whole table cell they’re in. That makes sense for combined footnotes. I thought it was consistent to keep that behavior for single references. But the page you shared makes me aware how I degraded usability, as you enabled combining identical footnotes eventually with respect to contributors making use of the feature. Now I see a way to make backlink behavior flexible by inserting the backlinking function in the table cell while not adding it to the index number if this is single.

    Tooltip sizing and horizontal scrolling: While fortunately solved on your website by disabling alternative tooltips—apologies again for messing with the defaults!—, this may still be an issue on websites relying on the alternative. I’m now going to study https://www.w3.org/TR/css-page-3/ documenting many CSS properties I don’t know about, and try to add the position settings, and then the missing five duration settings and the scroll offset setting, as well as the most possible before I must leave this volunteer job to a better developer.

    Thank you again for helping trigger all these improvements!

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by pewgeuges.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by pewgeuges.
    Plugin Contributor pewgeuges


    Just tested the new behavior enabling a click on the table cell to link back if the footnote is a single although combining identicals is turned on. It works! Will be in our next release.

    Plugin Contributor pewgeuges



    Our upcoming 2.1.4 has a setting for the width of the first column in the reference container. It defaults to what was in the style sheet but, to get it your way, you just need to set the scalar to 50, and the unit to pixels.

    Sorry for being late, but it should be released today. This is just to say that there will be no need to maintain the template.

    The tooltip font size is now in the settings too, but the items mentioned in the last paragraph above, not yet.

    As a preview, 2.1.4d7 is now available at https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/footnotes.zip

    Best regards.

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