• It doesn’t embed youtube at all without changing the page layout.
    I tried it repeatedly using different methods.
    Basically, it’s the same as using wordpress’s regular method for embedding, doesn’t really work.

    If you need to embed videos, just turn of the editor under the user—> profile section under the dashboard. That seemed to work much better.

    I appreciate your taking the time to make a plugin but for me, it didn’t work.

    Best of luck and thank you.

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  • Can you give me a link? The embedding uses standard code and simply cannot destroy the layout, if you adjust the size of the object correctly. What do you mean by “using wordpress’s regular method for embedding”? There is no!

    jovelstefan… do you plan upgrading the plugin for the freshy 2.2 version. It’s a pitty we can’t use it on our blogs!

    When adding a local video it does not work, i can upload and everything, i can also upload videos perfectly from other portals and it works fine, but with local files it fails to launch the player and the video does not show up, it just shows a clear spot in the place of the video.

    @wiipe: Did you install the flv player?
    @c00l2sv; working on this!

    Yeah, I have to agree with ladyjane. If you take the embedded code from any Youtube video and put it into code view it has exactly the same effect as your software. The video shows up but the page layout for the theme is completely messed up.

    Addendum: I just went into to the profile and turned of this option:

    >>Use the visual editor when writing

    and it worked like a champ! When I went back to turn on the feature back on everything thankfully stayed the same. Thank you so much, Ladyjane!

    I’m having trouble getting a local swf file to play. I tried installing the flv player, but I wasn’t sure which files or folders I needed to upload after extracting the them from https://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=JW_FLV_Player

    Is it working with 2.3.3 ??? Can someone recommend similar plugin that works with 2.3.3.

    I need to upload local videos and embed them in the posts.

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