• Can someone please tell me how I can force a line break in my articles?

    Every time I save a new article all of the line breaks that I entered disappear!


    Running Blog

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  • There are several ways to do it. I use <p>&nbsp;</p>

    Have you tried <br />? That’s the standard way in HTML!

    The standard way in HTML did not work in some versions of the TinyMCE editor. That was why I started using the longer form.

    Change your CSS…

    p 	{
    	padding: 7px;

    I searched everywhere looking for this and finally found it!

    Apologies, vtxyzzy, I was forgetting the editors in WordPress behave bizarrely! I’m using the default editor in WP3, and prefer to work in HTML mode, but it drives me nuts that if you switch to Visual, then back, all the <p> </p> tags have disappeared, and the paragraph spacing is erratic.

    @cindyp, that CSS change will cause increased space for all paragraphs. If you want extra space between some of them, not all, you need to use something else.



    @cindyp – for a single paragraph, how about …
    <p style="padding: 7px;">

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