• Resolved cristianderiquer


    Hi, I have a doubt,
    I have created an intranet with your plugin and the add-on Login redirect.

    I would like that each user can only see his exclusive page. There’re no home or anything else. Each User enter and see his exclusive page with videos, pictures, pdf, etc..

    What i have now:

    To force all users to login, I have included the lines of this link at the end of the functions.php file:

    And with the add on “Login redirect” I make the users when they login they go to their exclusive page.

    Up to here everything is correct.

    My question: is it possible to make the home becomes its exclusive page when a user login until he log-out?

    Now with the redirect the user can see his exclusive page, but if he change the Url and goes to the home he can see the info of his account: Connected as… Edit profile, Close session….

    Thank you very much.

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  • Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Hi, I read your comment above and can see what you are trying to do. My question is more related to the following comment.

    Now with the redirect the user can see his exclusive page, but if he change the Url and goes to the home he can see the info of his account: Connected as… Edit profile, Close session….

    Are you wanting to protect the whole website and only allow the member to view his profile or landing page and nothing else while they are logged in? Is this correct?

    Thread Starter cristianderiquer


    Hi, first thanks for the fast replay ??

    Yes you are correct.
    The idea is:
    I need to do a intranet for a company with 12 workers.
    I’ll create the 12 users with their passwords, redirections to their 12 exclusive landing pages and mail to the workers with the Intranet home’s url. To do this i’ve created 12 different Roles with a plugin with 12 different redirections.
    I have removed the option to create new users.
    Inside the intranet, there’s nothing public, no other pages than the 12 exclusive landing pages, no blog, etc… and the home is the Login page.
    I force all the users to login. (All site protected)
    Then i need 12 different and exclusive landing pages for each worker(role) with videos, images, pdf, etc… that i redirect when they login.
    Each worker can only see his landing page and the recovery password page.

    Imagine, for example, that i’m one of the workers. I open my email and click on the intranet URL. I enter the user, pass and i’m redirected to my exclusive landing page.
    Then by mistake i close the browser window.
    If i return to click over the Url inside the email or i write the home’s URL then i see the logged-in page with the account info. ??

    Is it possible to do a redirection to my landing page if you are already loggedin and go to the home(membership-login.php) ?

    Thanks again.
    Sorry for the long explanation, but I do not know if I explain myself really well in English.

    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Hi, I see what you are trying to do. Unfortunately the plugin at the moment does not really cater for what you are trying to achieve. However I have submitted a message to the developers to investigate further your request/issue.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter cristianderiquer


    Cool, i wait for a professional answer ??
    Thanks a lot ??
    Meanwhile i modded your loggedin.php and changed it for this:

    $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance();
    $level_id = $auth->get(‘membership_level’);
    $key = ‘swpm_alr_after_login_page_field’;
    $after_login_page_url = SwpmMembershipLevelCustom::get_value_by_key($level_id, $key);
    if (empty(!$after_login_page_url)) {
    echo ‘<script type=”text/javascript”>
    window.location = “‘.$after_login_page_url.'”
    } else {
    <div class=”swpm-login-widget-logged”>
    <div class=”swpm-logged-username”>
    <div class=”swpm-logged-username-label swpm-logged-label”>No tiene página asignada, póngase en contacto con el administrador, <br> Muchas gracias.</div>
    <div class=”swpm-logged-logout-link”>
    <?php echo SwpmUtils::_(‘Logout’) ?>
    <?php } ?>

    Everything is working but i had to remove from the functions.php the lines to Protect the whole site. https://simple-membership-plugin.com/auto-redirect-non-logged-in-users-protect-whole-site/

    If i have active the i get too many redirections error ??

    Cheers and thanks

    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Hi, I would wait until the developers reply. It would be in your best interest.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter cristianderiquer


    Yes, thanks ??

    Plugin Author wp.insider


    This plugin doesn’t have the structure/feature for what you are trying to do unfortunately.

    Thread Starter cristianderiquer


    Ok, ?? no Problem, Thanks a lot for the replies. A great plugin. ??


    Plugin Support mbrsolution


    You are most welcome.

    I will mark this support thread as resolved since there is not much we can do about this issue.

    Thank you

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