• Resolved crackajax


    @dougaitken I have had the client check her Stripe for the actual customer account creation and if they see the credit card on the account. As it turns out the customer account was created and a credit card is present for the two customers whose accounts failed on the automated order. Their accounts were created on the day they setup their Woocommerce accounts on the site. The automated orders take place on the 1st of each month thereafter.

    For the existing customer in the program prior to these two new ones, their card gets charged and the order created. But the new customers who are buying in (simply by buying a tagged product in the Woocommerce shop – nothing custom going other than setting a user capability when purchasing a certain item), even though their customer account is created in Stripe, and the credit card associated, the _stripe_customer_id is not being set in the WordPress user_meta table.

    I am checking in my custom code for the Stripe token before hitting the API and if not found for the customer ID, it logs the error, User has no credit card on file, and returns. So, does the filter, add_filter( ‘wc_stripe_force_save_source’, ‘__return_true’ );, trigger the creation of the Stripe token? Should it be stored by the plugin as part of the transaction?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter crackajax


    So, is there a bug with the plugin not saving the token when using the force save filter?

    Is there a way to add the token after the fact given that the customer account is created in the Stripe account as is the credit card stored, but the token is not entered into the WordPress database?

    Or, do I not need the token in order to auto charge the customer now?

    I currently have:

    //Charge user via Stripe API
    $charge = \Stripe\Charge::create([
    ‘amount’ => $totalNoDec,
    ‘currency’ => ‘usd’,
    ‘customer’ => $tokenString,
    ‘description’ => ‘Tiffany Andersen Brands – Order ‘ . $order->get_id()]
    [‘idempotency_key’ => $order->get_id(),

    But, before I hit the API, I am checking for the token in the WordPress database:

    //Get Stripe customer token that was created when the card was saved in woo
    $tokenString = get_user_meta($user_id, ‘_stripe_customer_id’, true);

    //If no token string, then user does not have a credit card on file
    if ( empty( $tokenString ) ) {
    $this->record_error_to_log( ‘User has no credit card on file for VIP Order #’
    . $order->get_id() . ‘ for User ID #’ . $user_id );

    Is this even necessary now? Will the order go through without the token?

    Thread Starter crackajax


    Is anybody home? This issue has been active for 6 weeks now without resolution. @dougaitken was helping until he closed the https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/forced-save-card-customer-creation-not-working/#post-12998349 ticket and said to open a new one. Can someone please help?

    The issue has been narrowed down to the Stripe token, and the WC Stripe plugin is not putting it in the database recently – but it was prior. Id this still necessary to do the automated orders or no longer required?

    Plugin Support dougaitken


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hey @crackajax

    This thread has fallen by the side without a response, I’m sorry about that.

    With the extra information and context you’ve given here, this is into the area of very custom code that I’m not able to offer support for.

    On a general level, using wc_stripe_force_save_source on checkout will save a payment token for a customer as long as that customer is either registered or is being registered as a Customer user on the site during checkout.

    As I mentioned, if the customer is a guest this won’t work since there is no account to save the card details to.

    and the WC Stripe plugin is not putting it in the database recently – but it was prior.

    Were you able to narrow down a timeline here? From the time you brought this up, I have been able to have this filter work as expected so if this stopped working, it is possible a conflict from another plugin or other custom code.

    Id this still necessary to do the automated orders or no longer required?

    It depends on what you’re wanting to achieve and how you’re “generating” these automated orders.

    I know for the premium WooCommerce Subscriptions this isn’t used and within the Stripe plugin itself it is only mentioned once in the filter creation – https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/blob/c7cd02dcb6a7b641070da1a10d585b369af9c930/includes/abstracts/abstract-wc-stripe-payment-gateway.php#L597

    The need for this filter to be used is so that a payment token is saved even if the registered customer doesn’t use the standard “Save payment information to my account for future purchases.” option within the Stripe payment fields. Or like in your scenario, if you are creating orders programmatically and adding payment information with that order creation.


    Thread Starter crackajax


    @dougaitken thanks for getting back to me. The cron job will run again overnight and I hope to resolve this for my client.

    But, I want to be clear, that the issue regarding the token is strictly the plugin code and not affected by any other customization outside of the filter: add_filter( ‘wc_stripe_force_save_source’, ‘__return_true’ ); The custom code creates and charges orders in a script that only runs on the 1st day of the month via a cron job.

    That being said, I deactivated ALL plugins except Woocommerce and Woocommerce Stripe and activated the Twenty Twenty theme just to be sure. I added the filter: add_filter( ‘wc_stripe_force_save_source’, ‘__return_true’ ); to the top line of the Twenty twenty functions.php file as the only customization in the system. With this minimal setup, I created an order with my Stripe sandbox settings to test. The transaction does go through and I can see the user in my Stripe Test Data, but it did not save the card it appears, nor did it add the _stripe_customer_id to the wp_usermeta table. From My Stripe Dashboard:


    [email protected]
    Name: Testy Testy, Username: Testy

    Jul 31, 1:04 PM

    So, with the minimal setup two important pieces of data do not seem to be occurring as expected. I know this was working correctly at one time as the customers who bought into the system prior to March 2020 do have the tokens and the cards are saved. Since March 2020, the clients that have bought in are in Stripe and it appears their cards are as well (even though I don’t see the cards in my test today) AND the stripe id is in the wp_usermeta table. So, it is clear that something has changed in the WC Stripe plugin given this result – totally independent of any custom code other than the force save card filter.

    As a hunch, I just searched the meta key filed in the wp_usemeta table for anything %stripe% and lo and behold, I see my three test customers I have created during the troubleshooting we have done over the last 3 months, and sure enough there is a meta key with the token, but the meta key is no longer:


    it is now:


    This is the source of the entire issue and one that I would have hoped you could have provided in support of your plugin 3 months ago. This token is necessary to do an auto charge because how else do you identify the Stripe user in order to charge their crd for a given order?

    Anyway, this turns out to be the answer to this question on two tickets, and hopefully any developer in the future will find this useful if they encounter the same issue. I would also suggest that the documentation for the plugin is also updated with this information as well.

    Thanks for all your help,

    Thread Starter crackajax


    I am marking this as resolved. I will update my code to check both meta keys for the token and I am thinking it will fire perfectly in tonights cron job. If any further issues, I will open a new ticket.

    Thanks again @dougaitken !!

    Thread Starter crackajax


    To be clear, it is not just a generic appendage of “wp_” to the old _stripe_customer_id key, but it is actually an appendage of the database prefix to the old key.

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