• Resolved novakpeter


    Hi, I am getting “Forced to wrong size” on the frontend when logged in as admin (blue dotted line around the images). I understand it is saying the image is too large which is not needed because it is displayed as smaller, so the image can be smaller. How should I fix it? My question is if I have to correct the dimensions in my graphic design software, reupload and reinsert the image (manually) – or the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin can do this for me? (which would be great!)

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  • Plugin Support adamewww


    There is an automatic scaling option just below the lazy load option that can help with this if you have srcset with your images. This document references this: https://docs.ewww.io/article/74-lazy-load That may be able to help your situation, or, our premium Easy IO CDN does this automatically.

    The manual way to fix it is to choose the correct sized image when building the page. So, if you have a 300×300 space, use the image thumbnail that is closest to that (the default WordPress “Medium” size is 300×300). Every time you upload an image to WordPress, it (and other plugins) generates thumbnails and there should be ones available close to whatever size you need.

    Plugin Support adamewww


    As I haven’t heard anything back about this I’m going to resolve this thread. If you have further questions, please feel free to open a new one!

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