I need to solve this asap because the site is going live very soon.
I believe I described the situation very clearly a few posts back here… https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/75826?replies=19#post-476547
I’ve been working on this for hours and haven’t been able to get the right php statement to check if it is a page.
I’ve tried many variations of something like this…
if ( $this->is_page = true ) { $req_uri = preg_replace(“|.html$|”, ”, $req_uri); }
I’m assuming all it takes is a simple php if statement to apply this to only wordpress pages and not blog posts.
If so then all I need is an if statement that works in includes/classes.php that checks if the current webpage being viewed is a wordpress page or post. Then I want to apply the functioning file extension hack that I have to only pages and not both pages and posts like it is now.
If my assumptions are right this should be very easy for someone who knows php and is familiar with wordpress. I really need to solve this asap and could use some help.
Thank you!