• Resolved livninctry


    I am having some issues with the password reset function. When you click the link for forgot password it allows you to put in user name and it does send out the email for reset. When you click that link it does bring you back to the website and the form for resetting the password. Once you fill out the new password and hit submit, it acts as though everything has worked. However, once you try to login with the new password it says you have wrong password, but the old password still works.

    Long story short it is not resetting the password. Any help would be great.

    website is at:

    Thank you for your help.


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  • Thread Starter livninctry


    As a quick follow up… I just tried turning off all other plugins and still have the same issue. I am using the latest version of WordPress and the Suffusion theme.

    Have you tried using the 2012 theme?

    Thread Starter livninctry


    No I have not tried that theme yet, but am very partial to Suffusion and think that it is pretty superior to everything I have seen in regards to themes. I really appreciate your quick response, but if I have to change themes I will research some other alternatives before making that switch.

    Thanks again and best wishes for a great 2013…

    Could you temporarily try 2012?

    Also, have you created a Private Page and assigned it to a user?

    Thread Starter livninctry


    Ok, just tried 2012 and have the same errors associated with the forgot password.

    I have not created any private pages for users.

    If you have not created any private pages you will get a blank page. Please try to create one, then try again.

    Thread Starter livninctry


    I miss understood what you were saying. I did create the landing page for the password reset and was able to get it to show the input boxes requesting the new password and to confirm new password. You would then hit submit and the system messages said everything is fine. However, when you tried to login using the new password the system acts as if the password was never changed. So, new password would not work, but old password would still work.

    Sorry, mixed up our plugins. We are looking into the issue with the password reset and will hopefully have a fix out soon after returning from our holiday break.

    What is the status on this fix?

    Thank you.

    I’m also experiencing this problem. Has a fix been released?

    Have founded a fix for this problem.

    The last line (return false) in function “reset_shortcode” from file ‘s8-login-registration.php’ must be replaced with:

    $tmp = array();
            if(!empty($hide_links)) {
                // Hide our links!
                $hide = explode(',', $hide_links);
                foreach($hide as $link) {
                    $link = strtolower(trim($link));
                    if($link == 'login') $tmp['login'] = false;
                    elseif($link == 'register') $tmp['register'] = false;
                    elseif($link == 'forgot') $tmp['forgot'] = false;
            $args = array_merge(array('forgot' => true, 'register' => true, 'login' => true), $tmp);
            s8_clr_get_form($action, $args);
            return ob_get_clean();

    Need also to replace following line from file ‘/inc/forms.php’:

    <form name="pass-reset" action="<?php echo home_url('/'.s8_login_registration::ep_login.'/?action=rp&key='.$_GET['key']); ?>" method="post" class="s8_form reset_form">


    <form name="pass-reset" action="<?php echo home_url('/'.s8_login_registration::ep_login.'/?action=rp&key='.$_GET['key'].'&login='.$_GET['login']); ?>" method="post" class="s8_form reset_form">

    I am facing the same problem. First the reset password was opening blank. No content.

    had to replace
    case 'rp': // Password reset
    case 'reset': // Password reset

    With this the reset page started showing. Now on clicking the change password button – the form redirects to login form. One thing to note – user_password_reset() function is never invoked.


    @alexdeveloper: I could not find “reset_shortcode” function in s8-login-registration.php. Could you please be more specific? thx.


    I have version 0.8.3

    At line 502 you will find the function reset_shortcode.
    This function should be replaced (from line 502 to 525) with:

    function reset_shortcode($atts) {
            $s8_internal = $hide_links = '';
            extract(shortcode_atts(array('s8_internal' => 'false', 'hide_links' => ''), $atts));
            $action = 'reset';
            if($s8_internal == 'true') {
                $args = array('forgot' => false, 'register' => false, 'login' => false);
                $form_text = get_option('s8_custom_login_form_text');
                if(!is_array($form_text)) $form_text = array();
                if($form_text[$action]) {
                    if(strpos($form_text[$action], '%FORM%') !== false) {
                        $output = explode('%FORM%', $this->prepare_content($form_text[$action]), 2);
                        echo $output[0];
                        s8_clr_get_form($action, $args);
                        echo $output[1];
                    else {
                        echo $this->prepare_content($form_text[$action]);
                        s8_clr_get_form($action, $args);
                    return true;
            $tmp = array();
            if(!empty($hide_links)) {
                // Hide our links!
                $hide = explode(',', $hide_links);
                foreach($hide as $link) {
                    $link = strtolower(trim($link));
                    if($link == 'login') $tmp['login'] = false;
                    elseif($link == 'register') $tmp['register'] = false;
                    elseif($link == 'forgot') $tmp['forgot'] = false;
            $args = array_merge(array('forgot' => true, 'register' => true, 'login' => true), $tmp);
            s8_clr_get_form($action, $args);
            return ob_get_clean();

    If you fail to find this function maybe you have another version and I advice you to update and apply the fix.
    Please see also my previos post and replace the code in file /inc/forms.php also.

    Hope this helps.

    It’s still not fixed. Even after the changes mentioned by alex above.

    This works! Thanks Alex!! asseem.gautam, don’t forget to replace the code in file /inc/forms.php also.

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