Form does not display, only black background
When active only the black background shows on the site, not the form!
When I inspect the page I can see the ‘taseav-age-verify’ div and within that a form with the class ‘taseav-verify-form’ and within that is an empty h2 tag.We are using the Jupiter theme, could this be causing a clash?
I have the same issue when viewing using the Beatrix theme.
This page is a Formidable form with a lot of conditional logic, not sure if that is related. I did notice that I don’t have this issue with at it is also a Formidable form.
@profoundworks It’s hard for me to tell what the issue is with this without seeing the information. Form your WordPress dashboard, can you please go to age verifier>>>debug verifier, copy the debug information, and paste it in this thread?
Here is all my debug information…
Basic Info:
- url:
- version: 4.7.5
- stylesheet_url:
- text_direction: ltr
- Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce: woocommerce-abandoned-cart/woocommerce-ac.php
- Advanced Database Cleaner: advanced-db-cleaner/advanced-db-cleaner.php
- Advanced Woo Search PRO: advanced-woo-search-pro/advanced-woo-search-pro.php
- Analytify – Google Analytics Dashboard: wp-analytify/wp-analytify.php
- Analytify – WooCommerce add-on: wp-analytify-woocommerce/wp-analytify-woocommerce.php
- Analytify Pro: wp-analytify-pro/wp-analytify-pro.php
- Apply Coupon on Order for WooCommerce: applycouponorder/applycouponorder.php
- Authorize.Net CIM for WooCommerce: authnet-cim-for-woo/woocommerce-cardpay-authnet.php
- Autoptimize: autoptimize/autoptimize.php
- Awesome Support: awesome-support/awesome-support.php
- Awesome Support: E-Mail Support: awesome-support-email-support/email-support.php
- Better WooCommerce Stars Shortcode: better-woocommerce-stars-shortcode/woocommerce_stars_shortcode.php
- CBX Woo Coupon Referral Affiliate(WCRA): cbxwoocouponreferral/cbxwoocouponreferral.php
- Clean Up Optimizer Developer Edition: wp-clean-up-optimizer-developer-edition/wp-cleanup-optimizer-developer-edition.php
- Code Snippets: code-snippets/code-snippets.php
- Color and Image Swatches pro for Product Attributes: Color-and-image-swatches-pro-for-woocoomerce/plugin.php
- Disable Comments: disable-comments/disable-comments.php
- Duplicate Post: duplicate-post/duplicate-post.php
- EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud: ewww-image-optimizer-cloud/ewww-image-optimizer-cloud.php
- FAQ: ultimate-faqs/Main.php
- Formidable Forms: formidable/formidable.php
- Formidable Registration: formidable-registration/formidable-registration.php
- Go – Responsive Pricing & Compare Tables: go_pricing/go_pricing.php
- Logos Showcase: logos-showcase/lshowcase.php
- MailChimp for WooCommerce: mailchimp-for-woocommerce/mailchimp-woocommerce.php
- MailChimp for WordPress: mailchimp-for-wp/mailchimp-for-wp.php
- Max Mega Menu: megamenu/megamenu.php
- Max Mega Menu – Pro Addon: megamenu-pro/megamenu-pro.php
- Notice Bar: notice-bar/notice-bar.php
- Plugins Garbage Collector: plugins-garbage-collector/plugins-garbage-collector.php
- Product Customer List for WooCommerce: wc-product-customer-list/wc-product-customer-list.php
- Show-Hide/Collapse-Expand: show-hidecollapse-expand/bg_show_hide.php
- Slider Revolution: revslider/revslider.php
- WooCommerce Extension (USPS) (Basic): woo-stamps-com-shipping-method/usps-stamps-woocommerce-shipping.php
- Temporary Login Without Password: temporary-login-without-password/temporary-login-without-password.php
- Tesla Framework: tesla-framework/tesla-framework-plugin.php
- Uptime Robot Plugin for WordPress: uptime-robot-monitor/uptime-robot-nh.php
- Verify Age: easy-age-verifier/easy-age-verifier.php
- Webgility: webgility_wp_woocommerce/webgility_wp_woocommerce.php
- WooAge After Sari: wp_woo-age-new/woo_age.php
- WooCommerce: woocommerce/woocommerce.php
- WooCommerce – ShipStation Integration: woocommerce-shipstation/woocommerce-shipstation.php
- Woocommerce Checkout Terms Conditions Popup: woocommerce-checkout-terms-conditions-popup/checkout_terms_conditions_popup.php
- WooCommerce Customer History: woocommerce-customer-history/woocommerce-customer-history.php
- WooCommerce Expand Tabs: woocommerce-extend-tabs/woocommerce-expand-tabs.php
- WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features: woocommerce-auto-added-coupons/woocommerce-jos-autocoupon.php
- WooCommerce Filter Orders by Product: woocommerce-filter-orders-by-product/woocommerce-filter-orders-by-product.php
- WooCommerce Helper: woothemes-updater/woothemes-updater.php
- WooCommerce HTML5 Video: woocommerce-html5-video/WooCommerceHTML5Video.php
- Woocommerce Multiple Addresses: woocommerce-multiple-addresses/woocommerce-multiple-addresses.php
- WooCommerce Order Status Manager: woocommerce-order-status-manager/woocommerce-order-status-manager.php
- WooCommerce Send Emails: send-emails-for-woocommerce/index.php
- WooCommerce Shop as Customer: woocommerce-shop-as-customer/shop-as-customer.php
- WooCommerce WooCart Pro: woocommerce-woocartpro/plugin.php
- Woo Email Control: woo-email-control/woo-email-control.php
- WordPress Importer: wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php
- WP Add Custom CSS: wp-add-custom-css/wordpress-add-custom-css.php
- WPBakery Visual Composer: js_composer/js_composer.php
- WP Cron Cleaner: wp-cron-cleaner/wp-cron-cleaner.php
- WPFront User Role Editor Personal Pro: wpfront-user-role-editor-personal-pro/wpfront-user-role-editor.php
- wpMandrill: wpmandrill/wpmandrill.php
- WP Rollback: wp-rollback/wp-rollback.php
- WP Store Locator: wp-store-locator/wp-store-locator.php
- WP Video Lightbox: wp-video-lightbox/wp-video-lightbox.php
- YITH WooCommerce Anti-Fraud: yith-woocommerce-anti-fraud/init.php
- Yoast SEO: wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php
Basic Verifier Info:
- Easy Age Verifier Version: 2.04
- Verifier CSS is accessible: true
- Verifier JS is accessible: true
Verifier Template Info:
- Legacy Override Is Being Used: false
- Verifier Template Path: /nas/content/live/tsunami2011/wp-content/plugins/easy-age-verifier/lib/assets/templates/default.php
Verification Info:
- Minimum Age: 21
- verify_check_passed: false
- is_of_age_check_passed: false
- user_checks
- is_user_logged_in: true
- show_verifier_to_logged_in_users: false
- custom_checks
Verifier Display Info:
- underageMessage: Sorry! You must be 21 to visit this website.
- formTitle: false
- buttonValue: false
- overAge: I am 21 or older.
- underAge: I am under 21.
- formClass: taseav-verify-form
- wrapperClass: taseav-age-verify
- beforeForm: false
- afterForm: false
- monthClass: taseav-month
- dayClass: taseav-day
- yearClass: taseav-year
- minYear: 1900
- beforeYear: false
- beforeDay: false
- beforeMonth: false
- beforeButton: false
- cookieParameters: path=/
- formType: eav_confirm_age
- isCustomizer: false
- template: <div id=’taseav-age-verify’ class=’taseav-age-verify’>
<form class=’taseav-verify-form’>
<input name=’overAge’ type=’submit’ value=’I am 21 or older.’>
<input name=’underAge’ type=’submit’ value=’I am under 21.’>
</div> - templatePath: /nas/content/live/tsunami2011/wp-content/plugins/easy-age-verifier/lib/assets/templates/default.php
- hasLegacyOverride: false
- verificationFailed: true
I figured out my issue. It was related to the custom CSS I have on that page to hide my submit button…
Removing this fixed the issue but it brought back my submit button so instead I added the following to fix the issue…
#taseav-age-verify {display:none;}
Here is the debug info:
Basic Info:
- url:
- version: 4.7.5
- stylesheet_url:
- text_direction: ltr
- Advanced Custom Fields: Code Area: acf-code_area-field-master/acf-code_area.php
- Advanced Custom Fields: Nav Menu Field: advanced-custom-fields-nav-menu-field/fz-acf-nav-menu.php
- Advanced Custom Fields PRO: advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php
- Akismet Anti-Spam: akismet/akismet.php
- Artbees Themes Captcha: artbees-captcha/captcha.php
- Duplicate Post: duplicate-post/duplicate-post.php
- Enable Media Replace: enable-media-replace/enable-media-replace.php
- Google Analytics Dashboard: google-analytics-dashboard/google-analytics-dashboard.php
- Gravity Forms: gravityforms/gravityforms.php
- iThemes Security: better-wp-security/better-wp-security.php
- LayerSlider WP: LayerSlider/layerslider.php
- SearchWP: searchwp/searchwp.php
- Verify Age: easy-age-verifier/easy-age-verifier.php
- WooCommerce: woocommerce/woocommerce.php
- WooCommerce Product CSV Import Suite: woocommerce-product-csv-import-suite/woocommerce-product-csv-import-suite.php
- WPBakery Visual Composer: js_composer/js_composer.php
- WPBakery Visual Composer (Modified Version): js_composer_theme/js_composer.php
- WP SEO HTML Sitemap: wp-seo-html-sitemap/sitemap.php
- Yoast SEO: wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php
Basic Verifier Info:
- Easy Age Verifier Version: 2.04
- Verifier CSS is accessible: true
- Verifier JS is accessible: true
Verifier Template Info:
- Legacy Override Is Being Used: false
- Verifier Template Path: /nas/content/live/romarmulti/wp-content/plugins/easy-age-verifier/lib/assets/templates/default.php
Verification Info:
- Minimum Age: 18
- verify_check_passed: false
- is_of_age_check_passed: false
- user_checks
- is_user_logged_in: true
- show_verifier_to_logged_in_users: false
- custom_checks
Verifier Display Info:
- underageMessage: Sorry! You must be 18 to visit this website.
- formTitle: Please Verify Your Age to Continue.
- buttonValue: false
- overAge: false
- underAge: false
- formClass: taseav-verify-form
- wrapperClass: taseav-age-verify
- beforeForm: false
- afterForm: false
- monthClass: taseav-month
- dayClass: taseav-day
- yearClass: taseav-year
- minYear: 1900
- beforeYear: false
- beforeDay: false
- beforeMonth: false
- beforeButton: false
- cookieParameters: path=/
- formType: false
- isCustomizer: false
- template: <div id=’taseav-age-verify’ class=’taseav-age-verify’>
<form class=’taseav-verify-form’>
<h2>Please Verify Your Age to Continue.</h2>
</div> - templatePath: /nas/content/live/romarmulti/wp-content/plugins/easy-age-verifier/lib/assets/templates/default.php
- hasLegacyOverride: false
- verificationFailed: true
I found the reason; the site is hosted on a server that has forced caching. After purging the cache it works fine.
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