Form me it not working
I have my blog in and another dns that is stet to same directory
Via Plugin I have set second dns to
but it seems not works
- and resolve to different ip addresses.
please see for further questions – especially point 3) ??
Ok, it was cloudflare. I have removed it and now two domanis have same IP
This is settings. is about casual. I need only test if plugin works and i have chose a category no much used for mapping.
It it works I will proceed to create one complete new sectionin my wordpress.hy stefano,
dns and directory settings seem to be fine. could you please post another screenshot of the plugins you have used and you .htaccess file? could it be that there happens a redirection somewhere (plugin or .htaccess)?
this is htacces in root directory
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# MOD_DEFLATE #hy stefano,
i am not sure what you are doing with these lines?
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
also, please provide screenshot or list of other plugins you have in use, as mentioned before.
best would be to set up another, fresh wordpress installation in another subdomain or directory and test it there, so you can be sure that there are no problems server-side.
Thaknk you, now it works, but don’t charge CSS.
Have you got any idea?CSS not loaded and hyperlink destination of the links not changed.
your css and js ressources are redirected to a 500-error page of your hoster now (e.g. this url was working before, because i used it to check if the subdomain resolves to the directory correctly.
have you changed anything else beside those lines in your htaccess file? does this url work again, if you temporarily add those lines again?
please try to reach your hosting provider and find out, why this example url does not work. this is out of the scope of your wordpress installation now. when it works again, we can continue with the plugin…
Strange things.
I have removed the 3 lines on .htacces (and if if i reactive the same css continue tu be not reachable)
Only other thing that I have do was disable plugin “Autoptimize” because it is a css/jsp cacher.
I ask to my provideralright, feel free to reach back when you need further help.
I have a doubt.
domain if my blog is in , also the homepage must be addres on or ?I repeat. The problem of it was because was address to /blog
addresing to root, css works, but your plugin don’t works anymoreok thanks for figuring that out. we will set up a test environment with similar directory structure and get back to you.
unfortunately, this will take some days now since it is holiday time in our agency and as we do the development and support of this plugin for free, we are short with manpower ??
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