I believe your suspicion is on target. All of the extra information associated with a Google Form is stored in what WordPress calls “post meta data”. It is an arbitrary collection of data attached to a post object.
My guess is you have a plugin that modifies post data but it isn’t accounting for the fact that WordPress supports something called Custom Post Types which allows plugins, like Google Forms, to define custom post types to store data other than traditional posts. Lots of plugins do this but if you’re using a plugin which thinks every post is a regular blog-post then it could mess up the data it isn’t aware of.
I suspect what you’ll have to do is go through your plugins one by one an disable them temporarily and using a test post, figure out which one is corrupting the post data for the Google Form.
Do you could probably break it into a binary search to make it faster to chase this problem down. Disable half the plugins, see if the problem persists, if it doesn’t, re-enable them and disable the other half, and keep cutting the number in half until you’ve isolated the plugin at fault.