• Resolved michaelnorth


    Hi, I had Google Apps Login for WordPress all setup properly, then without thinking, another Google Apps super-administrator deleted my email account while moving some users around. In other words, I can no longer see the project I created for Google Apps Login in my Google Developers Console. I tried to re-build my original username in Google Apps, but when I sign-in the project is gone. By the way, I also purchased your Google Drive Embedder. It’s API was also enabled under the lost account.

    I suppose the Google Apps Login plugin is still functioning with it’s existing Client ID and Client Secret, but using it makes me apprehensive without access to the Console.

    Do you recommend going through the whole setup process again? Is doing so a conflict with the account that is no longer accessible? (https://wp-glogin.com/docs/google-apps-login/configuration/setup-all-versions)

    I also sent this question via your site; sorry if that’s a duplicate, I’m really in tight spot to finish this project.


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  • Thank you for your message – I replied over email earlier, so I’m sure I’ll hear back from you there.

    For the benefit of others, my suggestion was simply to configure the plugin again to be confident that he has access to the underlying project.



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