• Hello!

    I am trying to set up a form tracking with Woopra on my WordPress website but it does not work.

    Below my HTML form :

    <form id="subForm" class="af-form-wrapper wpcf7-form" action="https://campaign.clever-age.com/t/r/s/kuuhpd/" method="post" data-mautic-form="conferencemonitoringecp16">
         <input id="fielddrhhqlu" class="text" name="cm-f-drhhqlu" required="" type="text" placeholder="Nom ( obligatoire )" />
         <input id="fielddrhhqo" name="cm-f-drhhqo" required="" type="text" placeholder="Prenom (obligatoire)" />
         <input id="fielddrhhqn" name="cm-f-drhhqn" required="" type="text" placeholder="Société (obligatoire)" />
         <input id="fielddrhhqb" name="cm-f-drhhqb" required="" type="tel" placeholder="Téléphone (obligatoire)" />
         <input id="fieldEmail" name="cm-kuuhpd-kuuhpd" required="" type="email" placeholder="Adresse E-mail (obligatoire)" />
         <button id="mauticform_input_magento114form_submit" name="mauticform[submit]" type="submit">Recevoir le guide </button>

    I would like to track only name, company and email data. Below my JS script :

        woopra.call('trackForm', 'Magento2', 'subForm', {
            identify: function(form) {
                return {
    		    Name: form.cm-f-drhhqlu,
    		    Company: form.cm-f-drhhqn,
            	    Email: form.cm-kuuhpd-kuuhpd

    Could you bring me some help please ?

    Best regards.

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