• Resolved Chris


    the new form width setting is super – I’ve been waiting for this. However it doesn’t work since it actually does not set the CSS value of width, but max-width:

    .ml-container #login {
        max-width: XXXpx;

    This doesn’t make sense. Could you please change the setting in the customizer so it reflects the width CSS parameter instead of the max-width

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  • Hi @osiak,

    Thank you for reaching out and for your feedback!
    It is actually this way for responsive purposes.
    If you set it up to be 800px, on mobile devices the form would go out of the page. But with max-width and width 100% it will make it as large as the screen.
    Hope this makes sense.


    Thread Starter Chris


    Yes, it does. However adding a setting for mobile (which I believe is used less often, at least as far as admin panel) and not adding one for desktop doesn’t make that much sense. Would be nice to have both then. Of course it can be added via custom css, but then – everything can…

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