• Resolved back2basicsmn


    There is not just one page being affected, it’s any/all pages that are either created from scratch or edited and published. The page looks correct when viewing from editing mode, logged into the WP Dashboard, but when viewing the site as a visitor to the site, not logged in, the pages are all askew. They lose their framing. The heading and the body of the page are missing parts, or not holding containers, and pushing the body out to the site edges.

    Again, this affects EVERY page, even the home page of the site, but I’ve included a few visual examples here below for reference. The images where you see the pages as they should be formatted only appear that way when you’re logged into the site. The askew versions are what you see when the pages are live for public viewing.

    Here’s an example of an office/team page layout that you can see correctly while logged in:

    Here’s what that same page looks like in the public view of the site page:

    Here’s another page example of what it should look like after an update to the page (and still appears like this as long as you’re logged in:

    Here’s what it actually looks like after the update:

    And, before you ask…
    Yes – we cleared cache.
    Yes – we spoke to the hosting company about possible server caches getting in the way.
    Yes – we updated our browsers.
    Yes – we tried incognito.

    I’ve been told by several of my colleagues who have also looked at this (as well as the hosting company) that it’s an issue with the Otter files — an Otter builder conflict. One of my colleagues noticed a style.css.map file that’s not being loaded on the front end when you’re not logged in, and that seems to be connected to Otter and causing the challenge and we do not know how to fix this on our end.

    It is a problem that started happening a few months back but we were able to remedy it until today.

    I need help resovling this ASAP.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter back2basicsmn


    Nothing? No one?

    Plugin Support rodicaelena



    As I’ve mentioned before, on my side, the site is looking good. I’m not able to see the issues even though I’m not logged in on your site, and I suspect this is related to caching somehow.

    We can see, if any other user on the forum, has any other suggestion.

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