• I am on a mac using Firefox. Upgraded last week to 2.5.1 without a hitch. When I write a new post the formatting on VISUAL is all screwy, but the formatting on HTML is fine.
    On VISUAL the Publish box is obscured (meaning I can’t publish live) and the text entry field stretches right across the screen so that I need to horizontally scroll. Can anyone help? I am OK at HTML but it takes so much longer to post.

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  • Thread Starter borderdogstan


    Can anyone help with this? I did a new install of the wp-admin and wp-includes folders and the problem went away. But I went to post today and it’s back. Something strange is going on. I wish I could go back to 2.3 ??

    I have a similar problem, I recently changed to PHP 5 in my server, at the same time I upgraded to 2.5.1

    I can’t change the editor to Visual . and the HTML view is a mess. can anyone help us?

    UPDATE: Yeah, it was the PHP 5, I restored the PHP 4.x and it works fine… Well, that was in my case… borderdogstan, maybe it works for you… but remember always backup ??

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