Hi! The official address format for French addresses in WooCommerce is indeed with the city name (uppercase) and postal code on one line:
{postcode} {city_upper}
The fact that your shop shows the city on a separate line and not uppercase (“Paris” rather than “PARIS”), indicates that something in your setup is overriding this. Have you installed any plugins that make modifications to the checkout fields? If so, can you check if deactivating the plugin(s) solves the issue?
Can you double check that a country is selected in the address? WooCommerce can only determine the correct format if a country is stored in the order data too, otherwise it falls back to the default.
All of the above applies to WooCommerce as a whole. Our plugin (assuming you’re using only the free version) does not make any modifications to the address. You’ll probably find that the same formatting is applied in the email sent by WooCommerce, the address shown on the “Order received” page, my account page etc.
This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by