• Resolved wextercz


    Hello, we have a problem with text desctription formatting. Formatting is lost after i go back to edit my advert before posting it. Here is video showing the problem.

    We have paid version from Theme Forest, where is older version of this plugin. I want to ask you if you are going to update plugin there. We have all plugins too, so the question is if we will have Google map plugin for free or not.

    Is it possible to hide contact information in advert for not registred users? So user have to be registred to be able to contact a seller.


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  • Plugin Author Greg Winiarski



    1. which WPAdverts version are you using? This issue should be fixed since version 1.0.1 https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wpadverts/changelog/

    Ideally you should upgrade to latest version, if you were using PayPal addon you should have access to it from the CodeCanyon panel.

    2. the CodeCanyon version includes PayPal addon only, i might add some other addons to it as well, but i do not think i will be adding there Maps and Locatons addon, sorry.

    3. by default there isn’t such functionality although you should be able to create it if you are familiar with PHP programming and WordPress API.

    Thread Starter wextercz


    Thank you,

    1. we have last version from Theme Forest. Will check it.

    2. Ok, thank you for info ??

    3. Ok, thank you. Do you plan to do some kind of restriction like this?

    Thread Starter wextercz


    We have made a clear install of your plugin and we have a problem, because we cant see adverts. There are comments in list.php and if we delete them, everything is ok and we see adverts. Do you know where is a problem?


    Plugin Author Greg Winiarski


    I am not sure, the list.php file you have seems to be incorrect the comment should be closed before

    <div class="adverts-list">

    As visible here https://plugins.svn.www.ads-software.com/wpadverts/tags/1.0.2/templates/list.php

    Thread Starter wextercz


    I downloaded your list.php but there is the same problem, cant see adverts:


    when i look on the code in chrome as developer, i cant see


    which should be at the end of your comment in list.php

    Thread Starter wextercz


    when i edit your list.php like this, it works ??

     * included by adverts/includes/shortcodes.php shortcodes_adverts_list()
     * @var $loop WP_Query
     * @var $query string
     * @var $location string
     * @var $paged int
    <div class="adverts-options">
        <form action="" method="get">
            <div class="adverts-search">
                <div class="advert-input">
                    <input type="text" name="query" placeholder="<?php _e("Keyword ...", "adverts") ?>" value="<?php esc_attr_e($query) ?>" />
                <div class="advert-input">
                    <input type="text" name="location" placeholder="<?php _e("Location ...", "adverts") ?>" value="<?php esc_attr_e($location) ?>" />
            <!--<div class="adverts-options-left adverts-js">
                <a href="#" class="adverts-button-small"><span class="adverts-square-icon adverts-icon-th-large"></span></a>
                <a href="#" class="adverts-button-small"><span class="adverts-square-icon adverts-icon-th-list"></span></a>
                <a href="#" class="adverts-button-small adverts-filter-date"><?php _e("Date") ?> <span class="adverts-icon-sort"></span></a>
            <div class="adverts-options-right adverts-js">
                <!--<a href="#" class="adverts-button-small"><span class="adverts-icon-filter"><span> <?php _e("Filters ...", "adverts") ?></a>-->
                <a href="#" class="adverts-form-submit adverts-button-small"><span class="adverts-icon-search"><span> <?php _e("SEARCH", "adverts") ?></a>
            <div class="adverts-options-fallback adverts-no-js">
                <input type="submit" value="<?php _e("Filter Results", "adverts") ?>" />
    <div class="adverts-list">
        <?php if( $loop->have_posts() ): ?>
        <?php while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); ?>
        <?php include ADVERTS_PATH . 'templates/list-item.php' ?>
        <?php endwhile; ?>
        <?php else: ?>
        <div class="adverts-list-empty"><em><?php _e("There are no ads matching your search criteria.", "adverts") ?></em></div>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>
    <div class="adverts-pagination">
        <?php echo paginate_links( array(
            'base' => $paginate_base,
    	'format' => $paginate_format,
    	'current' => max( 1, $paged ),
    	'total' => $loop->max_num_pages,
            'prev_next' => false
        ) ); ?>
    Thread Starter wextercz


    Only thing i changed is from this style of comments:


    i made this:


    Plugin Author Greg Winiarski


    I am not sure, maybe you have some kind of plugin installed that applies additional formatting to the HTML and it is breaking Adverts code, either way since it seems to work fine now on your site i am closing this thread.

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