Your plugin is almost certainly the solution I have been searching for for several days now. I am also very impressed by the attention you give to your eagar tech audience. +_+
I have hit a wall with the shortcode issue, and it may not be your plugin,, but I wanted to see if you had any insights:
There is a popular podcasting plugin called PowerPress
It offers two options… 1.) you can allow it to embed a media player linked to your hosted media in the page via a widget available below each page/post (or) 2.) you can use a shortcode to place the same player in a place you specify. ‘[powerpress]’
While both of these (mentioned above) work flawlessly inside a test post *seen here
sadly, neither of these aforementioned delivers the media player to the page containing the RPS Include shortcode.
The shortcode mentioned is currently
‘[rps-include post=604]’
though I have been experiementingwith shorcodes as long as
‘[rps-include post=”673″ shortcodes=”true” title=”true” titlelink=”true” content=”lede” length=”60″]’
to attempt to solve the problem.
I will readily admit that I am not a coder, and so I am not sure how to generate an exception that might let PowerPress import the media player.
Dashboard > Settings > RPS Include Content
I see only the two radio boxes listed here:
[ ] Remove the interface that appears when hovering over included content
[ ] Show private included content without restriction
I do not see any other editable settings whatsoever (there is just a blank page after the radio boxes.)
I am using WP version 3.6
Thanks for being involved with your users.
One final question:
If I wanted some custom development, do you take requests and what are your rates?