• Mark


    Hey everyone. I just have one last thing (at least for now *wink, wink*) that I need to get done. Currently I am using Event Calendar 2 which basically pulls data directly from WP to an external page found here:


    My problem is that the text isn’t formatting correctly. On my main WP page the Text is though. For example on the WP page text would look like this:

    Friday, July 15th, 2005

    Where: the Monkey Wrench
    Who: Ed Gein, Fraility Of Mar, Azarich’s Prayer, Laid Before Angels
    Time: 7pm
    Cost: $5

    Reason being is that its using Textile or something to format the listings. But because I am using EC2 that directly pulls the data from WP (without any formatting), everything when its pulled externally is on ONE line.

    I would really like to avoid having to place HTML tags inside of all my posts to get the desired effect.

    Is there a nice plugin out there that could handle this or does anyone have ideas about some code I could use to fix this?

    Thanks again for everyones’ help so far in getting this project off the ground, for that I am truly thankful:)


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  • This is another of those “the plugin ain’t handlin’ things right” issues. If you’re actually using the code from here:


    or actually any version of that ec2_get_events_list() function, you can change this line in it:

    echo "$entry->post_content";


    echo apply_filters('the_content', $entry->post_content);

    This *should* force WP’s text formatting filters (and any from plugins) to be used on the post content.

    Thread Starter Mark


    You did it again, my friend!

    Where do you live? I’ll take you out to dinner!

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