Hi @nelinfo
Thanks for response!
I think this is a bit more complex than “just Forminator” and, actually, it probably isn’t Forminator issue in general. Let me explain what I mean:
1. First, I checked your site
a) on desktop it seems to work fine
b) if I use “responsive view” (checked in Chrome and Firefox) on desktop – I am automatically redirected to AMP version and the link to open the form doesn’t work at all
c) if I use real mobile device (Android smartphone) – initially I’m redirected to AMP version and the very same issue happens, link just doesn’t work; if I force browser to use “computer version” (so “full”, non-amp version) it actually does the same until I hard-refresh the page.
2. Then I tested the same on my own setup with another form; I installed WP Shortcodes Ultimate plugin and added same shortcodes that you shared to the page, then I repeted the same tests and I was able to replicate it all.
So I changed the lightbox – first replacing form shortcode with just a test and then using a different lightbox shortcode (example that I took from WP Shortcodes Ultimate docs) – and in both cases the same thing happened.
All in all, it all comes down to the lightbox and AMP – that lightbox doesn’t work correctly wtih AMP, regardless of what is inside it (so doesn’t even have to be the form).
As for the button rendered “outside”, this would be a matter of a local CSS conflict and I think we can help with it but I think it’d be better to first take care of above because once you change lightbox/popup plugin or put the form inline, the “outside button” issue may automatically get fixed or may change so a new CSS patch would be needed.
Best regards,
I also tested some other “popup” plugins (including our own Hustle) and it’s the same. In general, it is related to how AMP handles JS. We have a plan to add support for AMP into Hustle in future but I don’t have ETA and I wouldn’t expect it soon.
So for now, the only solutions here would be to either research and test some more “lightbox/popup” plugins to find one that just works in AMP or instead on AMP versions simply show the form “inline” right in the post content.