Hi Patrick, thanks for replying.
I’m sorry I must have explained the situation unclearly. What I am asking is how to unenqueue any stylesheets that are autogenerated by your plugin in my uploads directory.
These are your styles that are loaded by your plugin in the footer of the page:
<link id="forminator-module-css-276-css" href="/wp-content/uploads/forminator/276_eed77a053e063ebb55fa9aba8ae60249/css/style-276.css">
<link id="forminator-icons-css" href="/wp-content/plugins/forminator/assets/forminator-ui/css/forminator-icons.min.css">
<link id="forminator-utilities-css" href="/wp-content/plugins/forminator/assets/forminator-ui/css/src/forminator-utilities.min.css">
<link id="forminator-grid-default-css" href="/wp-content/plugins/forminator/assets/forminator-ui/css/src/grid/forminator-grid.open.min.css">
<link id="forminator-forms-default-base-css" href="/wp-content/plugins/forminator/assets/forminator-ui/css/src/form/forminator-form-default.base.min.css">
<link id="intlTelInput-forminator-css-css" href="/wp-content/plugins/forminator/assets/css/intlTelInput.min.css">
The last 5, which load from your plugin (/plugins/forminator/assets/) are all good.
The first one, which is the only one that loads from my uploads directory (/uploads/forminator/), and is autogenerated, is the one causing the problem. I know it is autogenerated because I deleted it from my uploads directory and your plugin recreated it.
When I first installed Forminator locally I didn’t realize my WordPress site url was http. I saw the error “Forminator’s CSS style cannot be loaded because your website’s address is configured in WordPress to use HTTP instead of HTTPS. This may cause some web content, including Forminator forms, to display incorrectly” in the Forminator admin but I ignored it because the forms were looking great. The only stylesheet that was not loading because of not being on HTTPS was the one in the /uploads directory.
I spent a lot of time tweaking the form based on those original styles.
Then I realized my local site url was HTTP so I switched it to HTTPS and that /uploads directory stylesheet messed up my form. I tested all your built in style options Design Style > Default to Design Style > None and they all mess up my form.
I found the code in your plugin that was enqueueing that style (in /plugins/forminator/library/render/class-assets-enqueue.php, line 115):
* Load relevant module CSS
protected function load_module_css() {
if ( ! empty( $this->model->id ) && ! is_admin() ) {
$id = $this->model->id;
$timestamp = ! empty( $this->model->raw->post_modified_gmt )
? strtotime( $this->model->raw->post_modified_gmt )
: wp_unique_id();
// Module styles.
'forminator-module-css-' . $id,
self::get_css_upload( $id, 'url', true ),
I know this is the code correct code snippet because I commented it out and that restored my original styles (and didn’t break the plugin!) Obviously it is unsustainable to comment out plugin code, I could never update your plugin.
The answer is to unenqueue this stylesheet in my theme’s functions.php, but I am having a hard time doing that with yours. Can you help?