Hello @bleadonspringwater !
I hope you’re having a great week!
I’m not 100% sure if I understood the question correctly, so if needed please share an example and we’ll adjust the details for you.
But in general you can achieve the desired result using Visibility Conditions for the fields and show/hide them according to the selections. It will require to set up the conditions to show a set of fields based on each selection at this moment.
You can read more about the visibility conditions here: https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/forminator/#Forminator-Conditional-Logic
We’re also planning to add a new feature which will allow to set up groups of fields and repeat them. For example if you have a form where someone selects number of participants you will be able to generate appropriate number of fields for each of the participants’ details. This is one of the major upcoming features we’re working on.
Apologies if my reply is not detailed in this case – once we get more details on the form you’d like to create, we’ll share more suggestions.
Best regards,