• raptor2000


    I tried adding a topic to my favorites for this forum, but when I go to my favorites in the profile there is nothing there. Also, when I try to subscribe to the RSS feed for a topic it doesn’t work. Is the RSS broken?

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  • petit


    Hear, hear!



    RSS feed for a topic works, but you may need to copy the link and remove the “feed:” scheme prefix from it (assuming you don’t have a syndication reader which upon installation registers itself for the feed: protocol scheme).



    I too can’t add anything to my favorites… I click it and then nothing shows up in my Favorites area. I have tried clearing cache, etc, but still not working. RSS feeds are not a problem for topics, but can’t add any favorites! =-<



    Not only that, clicking the ‘X’ to delete existing favorites also does not work.



    I can put it better than this post:

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