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  • Plugin Author James Golovich


    Can you give any more specifics on your setup?

    Is this a correct assumption: These are ‘simple’ type items, with ‘Manage Stock’ checked and a quantity of 1?

    When the button disappears, what is the message displayed? If the items are already in someones cart it will display the configured ‘Stock Pending’ message.

    Hi James,

    I’m having a similar problem. As soon as I add a product to the cart, all of the products in the shop become unavailable and display the pending order message. All of the products are simple products, stock managed, with one item in stock. However, the cart says it is empty, and the product in the back-end is still showing one in stock.

    I notice I only have five options in the configuration page: Cart Stock Reducer on/off, Pending Order Text, Expire Items, Expire Time, Expire Countdown. I thought there should be more options from the posts on Github?

    I’m using WordPress 4.1.1 with WooCommerce 2.3.6, ThemeCo’s X-Theme 3.2.3.

    Please help!
    Very best regards,

    Plugin Author James Golovich



    I removed some of the advanced options from the configuration page. Those things can be adjusted with a filter, but I don’t think many people will need to adjust them.

    I’ll fire up my test setup to try to replicate this, are there any other plugins you have installed?

    Plugin Author James Golovich


    I wasn’t able to reproduce this on my test setup, I tried adjusting some of the various WooCommerce stock settings and it didn’t affect the results. Though I did turn up an unrelated bug that I will fix (if the global ‘Manage Stock’ is disabled my plugin still tries to work)

    If there are shopping carts with items loaded into it before this plugin is activated those items are counted against the quantity.

    I would try to delete all of the existing woocommerce sessions that are active. You can go to WooCommerce->System Status->Tools and click the Customer Sessions – Clear all sessions button.

    This will remove all active session data, so anything in someones cart will be lost.

    Let me know if this works for you.

    Hi James,

    Thanks for getting back so quickly, that’s brilliant. And yes, that works perfectly, thank you very much.

    Can I ask two other things too?

    Is it possible to stop the Pending Order Text from appearing as soon as the product has been added to the cart? It might cause a little confusion for the customer.

    I was wondering, is there a way to style the Pending Order Text so that it stands out more, it’s getting a little lost at the bottom of the description text and is quite hard to notice?
    Thank you,

    Hello James,

    I have installed your plugin and everything seems to be in order, except one little thing, and I was wondering if you can help me out a little.

    After I add the item to cart, my problem is that the stock for that item doesn’t “drop”. I have a stock availability thingie installed that shows under the product how many variables are still available for that product, and what I’m looking for, is for there incredibly awesome plugin to reduce the stock, and for example instead of 100 items left, while a product is in a cart (for the set duration – example 5 minutes-), to say 99 items left.

    The website I’m trying this on is

    Can you please take a look and tell me what might be wrong?

    Plugin Author James Golovich



    I’ll have to think about a way to keep the text appearing so soon. Originally my thought was to have some text that included the number of pending items and a reassurance that their items are still in stock.

    I can change the css class from ‘out-of-stock’ to something like ‘pending-orders’, if that would help with your styling.

    Hi James,

    Thanks very much for your reply. Yes, I think anything other than saying the item is unavailable to the person who just added it, would be spot on.

    Regards the styling, I’m just not sure how I go about styling the Pending Orders text so it can be seen clearly. I’d like to change its colour & maybe font-size but I’m not sure how to reference it. I think if it appeared at the top of the screen, rather than underneath the product description, that would be good too, but I guess that’s not accessible by css.
    Any help, greatly appreciated.


    First I have to congratulate the plugin developer, designing it was a genius idea !!!

    I found a kind of error that was not the case two months when I installed it, when I select “Enable Item Expiration” no matter what value I place the item expires at zero “0 seconds” and the customer always sees the message you should do checkout at zero seconds, when you click and go to the cart, the item has been removed.

    I would like some help because I could not settle and the store needs the plugin.

    I know that probably some error resides in the function
    public function check_cart_items( ) {

    Thanks in advance

    Plugin Author James Golovich


    If it worked before, did you install/upgrade any plugins since then?

    No, apparently the plugin started having malfunction without any apparent reason. When configured and tested everything was perfect. This week the customer reported this failure. Analyzing could find the setting that generated the error, and she got to the function. Apparently after updating the WP last week, it fails to capture the minutes set on the panel.

    Plugin Author James Golovich


    Sorry you are having problems. I haven’t had time to test with the latest WordPress and WooCommerce but I will try to find time in the next day or two. I stay up to date with the changelogs and didn’t see anything that should affect it, but you never know without fully testing.

    Plugin Author James Golovich



    Are you still having this issue? I have not been able to reproduce it. If you can give more information I’ll see what I can do.

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