• Resolved Steven Cooper


    Hi champions

    I am a free user.

    In you free app, there is a css optimise, js optimise, image compression optimise, and more.

    In your pro you have this:

    Autoptimize Pro
    Autoptimize Pro is a premium Power-Up, adding image optimization, CDN, page caching, automatic critical CSS rules and extra “booster” options, all in one handy subscription to make your site even faster!!

    Why do you have image optimazation again? Also, css, and js.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    I can’t support the Pro version here, but in the free version image optimization is only free for limited CDN-use, after that you need a (paying) Shortpixel account. likewise for CSS “AO free” does not include automatically generated critical CSS rules, for which you would need a separate criticalcss.com paying subscription. Those separate subscriptions are not needed in the Pro version (which has other features as well, have a look at the product page ?? ).

    if you have questions about the Pro version you can contact me directly using the contact form on https://autoptimize.com/


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