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  • Thread Starter jaspud


    Just an update for everyone, still back and forth with Cristian to try and get to the bottom of this. We still have several of these coming in every week but at least with the hack they are defaulting to a role that they can see the content. Still have to go back in and add an EOT date for all of them and change them to the appropriate s2 or s3 level.

    So far , so good, today I had registration with level 2 , which remained same level.

    If EOT is not being registered for Free Subscribers , perhaps it is possible to create it by adding let say + 1 year with function update_user_option($user_id, ‘s2member_auto_eot_time’, $expire); ?

    I still don’t have the custom capabilities for my users. According to Cristian this might be a conflict with BuddyPress registration page and custom profile fields (added from BP).

    I am thinking of downgrading the s2M to previous version.

    I don’t use BP so I am not sure, but I doubt downgrading s2M will work because the upgrade to WP 4 changed a number of things about BP and bbPress.

    I tested this code to set EOT time. I think it changes date for any new registrations, but I am Ok with that.

    /* Description: S2member EOT force */
    /* by Cristián Lávaque  */
    add_action ('ws_plugin__s2member_during_configure_user_registration', 's2_set_default_eot_time');
    function s2_set_default_eot_time($vars = array()) {
        if (!is_admin() && $vars['processed'] === 'yes') {
    $expire_on = strtotime((date('Y') + 1) . '-12-31'); // 1 Year increment
    update_user_option ($vars["user_id"], "s2member_auto_eot_time", $expire_on);
    wp_mail( '[email protected]', 'Important notice', 'EOT was changed' ); // send informative email on this event

    More clean EOT time calculation , which will add exactly 1 year.

    $expire_on = strtotime('+1 year', time()); // 1 Year increment

    Hey everyone,

    As background, I’m trying to setup a site where there are free members and paid members. I am encountering the same problem where new paid users are subscribers.

    I found this on paidmembershipspro, as I was trying it also.

    There are many things which can delay or prevent that IPN notification from going through:

    -There can sometimes be a natural delay of a few seconds, to a few minutes, to a few hours. During this time, your members will be in a pending state and have to wait to gain full access to your site.
    -On shared hosting, the script processing the IPN notification might time out and never finish.
    -Some caching plugins and schemes might keep the IPN handling script from running properly.
    -Problems with your PayPal settings (make sure the business email in the payment settings matches the email on your PayPal account) may keep the IPN handling script from verifying the notifications.

    Would the delay or one of these be the potential root of the issue?

    -On shared hosting, the script processing the IPN notification might time out and never finish.

    That’s definitely possible. In fact, I think some sort of timeout is the most likely explanation. But I’m inclined to think it’s more likely that the timeout is a problem at PayPal’s end.

    -Some caching plugins and schemes might keep the IPN handling script from running properly.

    That’s definitely possible too. You need to tell the caching plugin that the registration page should not be cached. I had done so, so it wasn’t the cause of my problem.

    -There can sometimes be a natural delay of a few seconds, to a few minutes, to a few hours. During this time, your members will be in a pending state and have to wait to gain full access to your site.

    Not sure about this one, at least so far as s2Member is concerned. There’s no way that PayPal would send a message to s2 to enroll the person as a Subscriber, and then later tell s2 to upgrade that to s2member_level1, all on the basis of one transaction.

    -Problems with your PayPal settings (make sure the business email in the payment settings matches the email on your PayPal account) may keep the IPN handling script from verifying the notifications.

    I’m not sure about this one either. Surely that would break the integration altogether, not cause intermittent problems? In any event, it wasn’t the cause of my issue.

    Dear Gurus,

    I kindly ask you to help me. I am a beginner who created a website with s2 membership options. I have only one big problem what I can not solve. I read some topics about my problem, but they didn’t help. ??

    I have the same problem where new paid users become ONLY subscribers.
    (instead of become Bronze, Silver or Gold member, – > I have 0. (free) and 1-2-3 (paid ) leveles.

    I read the “Hack solution” above, but I don’t really understand how can I do it on my website. If that is the 100% sure solution for my problem as well, I kindly ask you to explain it to me.

    It wasn’t so comfortable when my new members were paid and they stay only FREE subs after paypal payment. Pls help me, it would be very very very important and urgent!

    Massive thanks for your help!


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