Looks like you don’t understand WordPress philosophy here…
On this repository, you’ll find free plugins that come without restrictions for features in time or numbers. So I can’t really restrict the number of users or tickets and it isn’t my intention either. I want the free users to be able to enjoy a fully functionnal plugin. And the basic function for a ticket system is to be able to submit a ticket which WATS allows without any restriction in time or number in the free release.
The model you are talking about refers to an old shareware model that isn’t really implemented in the WP ecosystem for a number of good reasons which I won’t detail here as it isn’t the purpose of this discussion…
You need to understand that when you look for cheap S/W, you have to do some investment on your end to learn about the S/W and sometime tweak it. If you prefer to pay, then you can get some consulting that will do the job for you of selecting the S/W. But usually, your end customers are paying you good money to make this selection work. This is your added value. I can understand that you are lazy (we are all lazy here) and you don’t want to read the docs but then in that case, take the risk to make a buy that won’t make it perfectly upfront if you believe it costs less than your time. This is a risk to take.
Now, you have pointed out 1 star ratings. Most of those come from people who haven’t even tried the plugin, just to discount it. WATS has been number 1 ticket system for WordPress since 2009 and a lot of competitors have attempted to take their piece of this market without much success because you need to invest a lot of time and the ROI isn’t really interesting on the mid term. I personnally do it because I enjoy it. Sure I won some money but if I calcultate the dollars I have made per hour worked on development, support and answers to people here, then it is clearly not worth.
You have also seen that there are way more 5 stars review from happy customers who have valued WATS and my support which is good!
Reputation is built based on time and fair reviews. Yours is just noise and so won’t be taken into consideration by serious people. You haven’t even taken the time to read the docs and directly made some wrong assumptions.
Bottom line, the numbers of free downloads and premium customers tells how good WATS is, more than your review…