@tillkruess This is a great plugin, and you have also interested me in what the real world benefits are to Pro. I have money to spend on better performance but I think it is reasonable to expect a bit more information up front. This just seems defensive and unhelpful. I can think of plenty of free/pro comparisons that would not be misleading at all. For example, you could take 3-4 typical site/server configurations at one or two mainstram hosts, ranging from basic brochure site, through quiet WooCommerce to busy WC/BB. I’d be interested in metrics that told me whether there is any user perceptible benefit as you might get from increasing the frequency, or whether the benefit is all in the scalability, so you can do more with fewer CPUs.
That way I could judge the installation size where there is any payback at all, as adding CPUs or getting faster ones might be cheaper than the Pro license.
But that reference to GoDaddy seems to be very misleading. It appears that the quoted improvement is based on testing with/without Object Cache Pro, not Free vs. Pro. which is what the question was about.
I fully believe GoDaddy has seen big improvements (a) compared with no object cache, and (b) to server utilization while still delivering competitive front-end performance, but that is not at all relevant to smaller users trying to judge bang for buck here.