*Reads review, installs plugin, sees what reviewer is talking about*
Umar, here’s the problem I have with this plugin: it really looks like bait and switch.
You’ve included these options in the admin screen but disabled them.
Background Color text box, Select Transition, Carousel, Auto Play, Description Words Limit, Posts Order By, Get Posts By, Get Posts By (Value), Image Size, Select layout.
You can see what I am referring to via the PNG file.
Which is interesting because your plugin page says the following (emphasis is mine).
- Pre-designed layouts.
- Responsive touch slider.
- Carousel + single slide slider option.
- Fully Customizable slider.
- Limit words of description (i.e excerpt).
- Select what taxonomies to include in carousel (categories, tags, author e.t.c.).
- Select how much posts to display and order them by popularity or date.
- Entire slide links to post.
- Fast support + Free Updates.
Up selling your “pro” plugin is allowed but you really should modify that plugin description so that users don’t think they’re getting all those features that you’ve disabled.