• Hey, just wanted to drop some noticers Freemium generates and that clutter the view. I know, I can ignore them but I’d like to at least let you know ??

    Notice: Trying to get property ‘plugin_path’ of non-object in /www/htdocs/[…]/wp-content/plugins/error-log-monitor/freemius/start.php on line 189

    Notice: Undefined index: material-design-for-contact-form-7/freemius in /www/htdocs/[…]/wp-content/plugins/error-log-monitor/freemius/start.php on line 277

    Notice: Undefined index: material-design-for-contact-form-7/freemius in /www/htdocs/[…]/wp-content/plugins/error-log-monitor/freemius/start.php on line 184


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  • Plugin Author Janis Elsts


    Thank you for the report! I didn’t know about these notices as they don’t show up on any of my own sites.

    It could be that the notices are related to some kind of a conflict with the other plugin mentioned in the error message: Material Design for Contact Form 7. I looked at that plugin and seems that it’s using a different, more recent version of the Freemius SDK. Let’s see if updating Error Log Monitor to the same version helps. Please try the development version of the plugin:

    Thread Starter motivmedia


    Hi Janis. Sorry I delayed that for so long. Tried out the download you gave me and said errors remained. I can understand why you opted for Freemius but any problems I ever encountered with your plugin stemmed from that ??

    The plugin referenced in the errors hasn’t been present for quite a while yet the errors persisted. As far as I seem to understand Fremius uses some kind of cached list which other Freemius-using oplugins are present (wp_options/fs_active_plugins). Maybe said other plugin didn’t clean-up properly, pretty sure of that, actually. Reinstalled, activated, deactivated, deleted. Log entries stopped, it was also removed from said option

    It’d probably help if Fremius didn’t solely rely on that list but checked if a plugin really is installed. Don’t know if you’re in a position to suggest that to them.


    Plugin Author Janis Elsts


    Freemius does have some issues. Hopefully, they’ll be resolved soon.

    For future reference (and other users who might run into the same problem), there’s a “Freemius Fixer” plugin that claims to clean up cached Freemius data. It might be helpful in situations like this. You can get it here:

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