• I want to install a fresh copy of WordPress and not upgrade. I have a few questions. If I install into a temp directory can I rename that directory later and still be okay?

    Right no I have wp installed in a /blog directory. I want to install a fresh copy into a /blog2 directory. Then make my conversion by importing all my backed up tables, move images and files over to the new one. Test it and make sure everything is working correctly. Then rename the old one to /blog_old and rename /blog2 to /blog.

    Will I be okay doing this? Any other suggestions for a fresh install and not losing post posts and files?


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  • You cannot import the tables from a different WP version.

    Why do you need to do this?

    Thread Starter husar


    I meant using the back up tool built into wordpress not just dumping the tables over.

    The reason I want to do this is that I am seeing some strange things with my categories on a few wordpress magazine themes. Different themes created by different people are having the same issue. So I thought I would do a fresh install and try to see if that fixed the issues.

    If you have problems (and you could be more explicite about it!) with themes that are NOT compatible with 2.3 – no tricks like you described above would solve them.

    You need to make sure you are using themes and plugins that are compatible with WP 2.3.x… Alternatively, you can check those themes: I bet they are using deprecated Template_Tags which you could easily replace with the new ones.

    Thread Starter husar


    I would be using 2.3 on a new install. I am not using it today and the themes are compatible with my current version. I think 2.2.1 but I would have to look.

    Since you asked for more detail I will provide it even thought this is not the correct area since it is not really installation. But here we go….

    My blog is located here: https://www.husar.us

    I have a theme switcher here to test new themes: https://www.husar.us/blog/?page_id=1180

    When I installed and tested two magazine themes they are not working as expected. Both themes are created by different developers and work just fine with my current wp version.

    The themes in question are ‘The Morning After’ and ‘Mimbo’. Use the theme switcher and look at them. What should be happening is they display different posts at different areas of the layout. Very common for magazine themes. But in both cases of these themes all the different areas display only last few posts to the blog. I have my Reading options to show the last 5. But it is like the category doesn’t even register to the themes.

    100s of people are using these themes and are not experiencing any thing like I am.

    I have not modified the themes or wp at all. These are straight right out of the box and setup as described with the instructions provided.

    So this leads me to believe I have a problem with the wp categories.

    Any thoughts?

    I have not modified the themes
    I am somewhat familiar with Mimbo – and, actually, you do need to modify the index.php to set your own categories to be shown in different areas + you need to add your custom images in the custom key fields etc.

    Now, you can have a separate test install in a separate directory and it MUST have its own database (or at least its own tables) for testing different things.
    That’s fine.

    But then do not mention “upgrade” in your posts here – because it has nothing to do with upgrade

    Thread Starter husar


    I am going to do an upgrade tonight and see if it fixes anything. On my current install the category titles are correct but non of the content under it. That is the strange part. If I find a solution or the update fixes it I will post back.


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