Removed the lines you mentioned but to no avail. In fact the directive doesn’t get created in the .htaccess file.
Results of the troubleshooter script:
HTTP server : Apache
PHP version : 7.3.18
auto_prepend_file : none
wp-config.php : found in /home/site/public_html/wp-config.php
NinjaFirewall detection : NinjaFirewall WP Edition is loaded (WordPress WAF mode)
Loaded INI file : /opt/alt/php73/etc/php.ini
user_ini.filename : .user.ini
user_ini.cache_ttl : 300 seconds
User PHP INI : none found
DOCUMENT_ROOT : /home/site/public_html
ABSPATH : /home/sitesm/public_html/
WordPress version : 5.4.2
WP_CONTENT_DIR : /home/site/public_html/wp-content
Plugins directory : /home/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins
User Role : Unknown role (or user not logged in)
User Capabilities : Error: missing manage_options capability – Error: missing unfiltered_html capability
Make sure you are logged in to WordPress before running this script.
Log dir permissions : /home/sitesm/public_html/wp-content/nfwlog dir is writable
Cache dir permissions : /home/sitesm/public_html/wp-content/nfwlog/cache dir is writable