• My new site (not online yet)

    A) I had an old html website and deleted all files from public_html and deleted hosting account.
    1) After deleting site, I check google
    The home page still shows up as indexed, but get re-directed to another site
    2) Other pages that were once indexed,
    show this:
    The Information please (title)
    Not Found
    It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search

    B) I install WordPress on my hosting account using Softaculous Apps Installer.
    I chose https://www protocol for domain in directory (left blank)
    Admin Username: [redacted]
    Admin Password: [redacted]
    Admin email: [redacted]

    C) I get a congratulations message saying the software was installed successfully:
    WordPress has been successfully installed
    Administrative URL

    D) When I go to /wp-admin/ to access my new install to
    import a site from my localhost, I get redirected

    I enter my details:
    Admin Username: [redacted]
    Admin Password: [redacted]
    It says unknown user name

    I try email and user name:
    Admin email: [redacted]
    Admin Password: [redacted]
    Is says unknownemail address

    Why is this happening?

    E) I have deleted my entire WP Install using Softaculous Apps Installer 3 different times, and the results are all the same.


    Thanks in advance for your kind help … Laura

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by t-p.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Marius L. J.. Reason: Removed login credentials
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress and cleaned up topic

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • @jacksina

    First try reinstalling WordPress using Softaculous installer again, but leave the username in lowercase letters. Save the database details for your WordPress installation, such as the database name, username and password. Also, check phpMyAdmin and make sure the tables have been created in your database, especially two tables called tableprefix_users and tableprefix_usermeta. Let me know if the problem still persists. Importantly, make sure that the database host (DB_HOST) is set to localhost.

    NOTE: /wp-admin/ gets re-directed to
    /wp-login.php Why is this happening?

    This is perfectly normal. The wp-admin page is your WordPress administrator dashoboard. To access it, you need to log in. You can also directly go to yoursite/wp-login.php to access the dashboard, as it will automatically redirect you after logging in.

    Important: Your post contains confidential details which includes your WordPress administrator account details. I would highly recommend you to edit the post and remove your credentials as anyone can use them to hack your website.

    @jacksina sharing WP credentials is against forum rules (I believe), and that’s just generally a very bad Security practice.

    Your site has been hacked, and the attacker is using several techniques to redirect visitors to a spam site. It’s quite possible they’re doing more bad stuff, like trying to install malware on visitors’ computers or using your server resources to distribute spam.

    I’d suggest that you contact the support of your hosting provider to get started.

    And that you read https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/faq-my-site-was-hacked/ carefully.

    Also: Never, ever, share your login details publicly, like you just did.

    Thread Starter jacksina


    Hi everyone … thanks for your prompt replies. I apologize for violating any forumn rules by posting my user name and password. Because they didn’t work, I didn’t see the harm.


    I did as you suggested and the outcome is the same.

    I deleted wp install, then re-installed.
    I set user name to lower case.
    I checked phpMyAdmin and WP tables were created (users, usersmeta).

    I look for database host (DB_HOST) in phpMyAdmin and I don’t see a particular DB_HOST attribute. But under the database tab in phpMyAdmin, in the top bar I see
    Server: localhost3360 Database: rentlogc_wp689


    1) paste url: https://www.rentlogcabin.com/wp-admin/

    2) immediate reiondirct to:

    3) new user name, password and email does not work on the page I was re-directed to

    4) As you can see, (https://the-informationplease.com) somehow showed up in the re-direction link

    My old site was not even WP, but just a very old HTML website .
    I deleted all the files off the server, then installed WP, then this crazy re-direction started happening (https://the-informationplease.com)

    Any more thoughts, advice?

    Thanks again for your kind help in this matter. It is truly appreciated

    Thread Starter jacksina


    Hello everyone,

    My issue is resolved. I thought I’d post the resolution in case others have a similar problem.


    Just following up on this – there’s not any malware here. The reason for that redirection is because there was not an SSL installed at the time, which the server was trying to load an SSL from the first in the list.
    This is simply another domain on the same server. The web server was trying to load its SSL since there wasn’t one on yours, or it was removed.
    it’s always best to contact us first as this can sometimes lead to incorrect advice, which in this case seems to have been to delete and re-install your WordPress which was not needed. The reason Sujai did not see a redirect at the time was likely due to an SSL installing automatically once it determined there wasn’t one present and you removed the site

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