• Hello Im using the latest version of wordpress and your plugin and when I receive an email from the plugin the only fields that get sent in the email are the persons name and the message and NOT their email address. The from email address is the second field in the form and gets skipped being sent entirely. Please help because this is my sites contact us form and if I cant get their email address from the message its absolutely worthless to me. Thank you, great plugin otherwise.


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  • Thread Starter gilabite


    never mind changed the code to make it send it myself

    Plugin Contributor tcrDev


    Sorry to hear you’ve been having problems with the plugin. How did you resolve this problem in the end?

    As I had the same problem I’ll just post the solution to this, incase anyone needs it.

    Obviously this plugin works by putting the name and email in the name and email fields instead of inside the email itself.

    To solve this add: $short_code_form_email_body .= 'From: ' . $short_code_form_name_field . ' <' . $short_code_form_email_field . '>' . "\n\n";

    to line 835, above the line mentioning ‘message’ and the name and email will appear above the email neatly.

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