Hello @tomsi
Thanks for your message!
WooCommerce includes a language file (.pot file) that contains all of the English text. You can find this language file inside the plugin folder in woocommerce/i18n/languages/
The complete set of instructions after you have downloaded and installed Loco Translate can be found here: Translating WooCommerce into your language
If you are using Poedit:
1. Open PoEdit and go to File > New catalog from POT file.
2. Choose woocommerce.pot and PoEdit will show the catalog properties window
3. Enter your name and details, so other translators know who you are, and click ‘OK.
4. Save your .po file. Name it based on what you are translating to, i.e., a GB translation is saved as woocommerce-en_GB.po
5. `Save after translating strings. The .mo file is generated automatically.
6. Update your .po file by opening it and then go to Catalog > Update from POT file.
7. Choose the file and it will be updated accordingly.`
You can also refer to the following external conversation on updating the translation:
* How to manually install translations files on WooCommerce