• Theme Author vathemes.com


    After Activate Business Pro Theme You Have to create New Page and use front Page template.

    Dashborrd –> Pages –> Create New Page –> Select Front Page Template in Page Attributes

    After that You have to go to Setting –> Reading –> Front page displays –> Select Your Page which Was template As Front Page Template

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  • Hi, Can you tell me where I can find the css code to change the colour of the slider navigation box within the slide pictures (where it says “ELEGANCY WITH SIMPLICITY”)?


    Theme Author vathemes.com


    you have to change image business-pro/images/cap-bg.png

    Thanks for the prompt reply. I’ll have a look when I’m home this evening.

    Excellent, thanks that worked.

    Hey, when you say “you have to change image business-pro/images/cap-bg.png” can you do that in your dashboard or does it have to be done in the htaccess? Also when you say change can you explain? Replace, alter, delete?

    It allows me in the Theme options in the top feature heading area to upload the home top feature image, and it allows me to upload home top feature 1, and when I upload the image on home top feature 1, it then moves that image to home top feature image 3. I have 2 of the 3 sliders taken care of, I am just not seeing how to replace the last image.

    willswebsupport – I made a copy of the cap-bg.png file and recolured the original using a paint program (I use Paint .NET). I also found that the Feature section is out of sequence. I edited the \business-pro\functions\theme-options.php file so the Slider Settings section are all referencing the right files.

    Thank you for your quick reply. I went back into my dashboard and still see only the the home top feature image, home top feature image 1 and home top feature image 3 for my theme options. Do I need to re install the theme to get the new settings on the sliders?

    I’m not the theme author btw, just that I experienced the same problem as you and I corrected it by having to change some of the code in the file I mentioned above. I’m at work right now, but I could post the changes I made to my theme-options.php file for you when I’m home. I did also make the author aware of this so he maybe releasing an updated version later.

    Hallo there,

    I am experiencing the same problem. I just cannot change slider image three and the text.

    Is there another way just to delete slider three maybe?

    Hi All, there’s a bug in the code for the third slider. If you open the file theme-options.php in the functions folder you’ll find a section called “Slider Setting”

    In that area you’ll see info for all three slider areas. the third one has a mistake in that it is marked the same as the second one in the code. So for each “ID” line change the 2 at the end of the name to a 3 for all 4 names and it will now work.

    Theme Author vathemes.com


    slider Bug has been solved. Please download new updated version.


    Hi there:
    I have a problem with the slider in my child theme. I can′t read the letters because the box beneath the letters is dissapeared. How could I change the CSS code to put this box?

    And I have another problem in my home page: I don′t find the way to put in the same line the three windows (now they are in a column), which there are under the slider.

    Thank you, guys. Greetings.

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