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  • Plugin Support AC


    Themeisle Support

    Hi there,

    Apologies for the late response.

    I tried to access the link that you provided but I’m unable to access it.

    Let us know if this is still an issue.

    Hi, I’m having the same issue. I’ll be looking around in the code and see if I could see what causes the problem!

    It’s an error in the ‘frontend.min.js’ line 408:5. The variable ‘el’ seems to be null/undefined. I’m only using this plugin for the display of the title in text format and sub-description (the Branding Widget) btw, so no menu’s involved. & (In the latest version of Firefox, but also having the problem in the latest version of Chrome).

    Hi, it seems that there is a problem with all your included .js files in the assets folder. They all somewhat hold the same code, except for the error in min.js that has a ‘var el;’ statement at line 405 (and perhaps more stuff). Perhaps something went wrong with revisions?

    Even more of a concern, the min.js files ain’t minified versions of their ‘js’ files at all. And is it normal for the editor.js file to be the same as the frontend.js?

    Anyways I fixed the bug by introducing a check at line 497 (frontend.js) or line 499 (frontend.min.js) to only create a cbpHorizontalSlideOutMenu if an element is found. This same bug is also in the editor.js/editor.min.js file btw!

    I didn’t know if I had to use the min.js or js version, but you guys would probably know that!

    var menu = new cbpHorizontalSlideOutMenu( document.getElementById( 'cbp-hsmenu-wrapper' ) );


    var foundEl = document.getElementById( 'cbp-hsmenu-wrapper' );
    if ( foundEl != null ) var menu = new cbpHorizontalSlideOutMenu( foundEl );

    It might be more efficient to only run this script if it’s necessary + if these scripts are meant to be the same (editor+frontend), it’s really more efficient to keep it all in one file or split them up appropriately.

    But for now this would do I think!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by zenigma.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by zenigma.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by zenigma.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by zenigma.

    I’m having the same errors. Upon looking at both of the files you are referring to,

    I found 4 differences in the code comparing the 2 files (the minified version vs. the non-minified version: (And actually, the “minified” version is not minified. Also, looking at the plugin PHP files, I don’t see references to the minified versions, so perhaps just correcting the non-minified versions will do?)

    ON LINE 380 of:

    frontend.js shows
    (function ($, root, undefined) {

    BUT ON LINE 380 of:

    frontend.min.js shows
    (function ($, el, root, undefined) {

    ALSO ON LINE 395 of:

    frontend.min.js (BUT NOT IN frontend.js) shows
    var el;

    AND ON LINE 405 of:

    frontend.min.js (BUT NOT IN frontend.js) shows
    var el;

    ALSO ON LINE 499 of:

    frontend.js shows
    })( jQuery, this.el );

    BUT ON LINE 501 of:

    frontend.min.js shows
    })( jQuery );

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by denvergeeks.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by denvergeeks.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by denvergeeks.
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