• Resolved samrot



    Will this plugin work with a website that has a frontend post submission form that allows users to create their own posts?

    I mean, will it automatically create a translated version of each new post created by the users and will the users be able to create posts on their preferred language (/es, /en, etc)?

    For example, if the users access the frontend post submission form on the spanish version of the website (example.com/es/frontend-post-submission) will that form be in spanish then posted in spanish (example.com/es/new-post) and automatically translated to english (example.com/new-post)
    And if they access the form through the english version (example.com/fronten-post-submission) will the form be in english then posted in english (example.com/new-post) and automatically translated to spanish (example.com/es/new-post)?


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  • Plugin Contributor Edson Galina Fortes


    Hi @samrot ,

    hope you’re fine ? In fact Weglot don’t create post for each language. Weglot based on A orignal language and destination language.
    In your case imagine english is your original language. If a user create a post where the content is in spanish it should not work. But if the user create the content in english, it will be translate to spanish.


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