• Hi all,

    The code updates I have been mentioning in various packages are finally to a point where they can be released.

    The Readme follows.

    [ Moderator note: Backticks inserted, you really don’t need to post that here. A link would have sufficed. ]

    README 2RRR 1.0 For WP User Frontend Version: 1.1 fork: 2RRR 1.0 alpha
    This is a fork from WP User Frontend Version 1.1.
    It currently only applies to the Add Post and Edit Post functionality on WP User Frontend.
    Use of AjaxForm for Ajax style posts is the next step in this project.
    It focuses on both useability and ease of customerization.
    There are some bug fixes included as well.
    Some of these changes are outlined by the following items on the WP User Frontend support forum.
    Changes from WP User Frontend Version 1.1
     * Main Changes from Version 1.1:
     * Custom editor option added.
     * Editors use max availiable width.
     * Close button added as shortcut option and redirects set to suit.
     * wpuf_allow_cats filter added.
     * Security checks updated.
     * Code updated to allow use of wpuf_can_post filter for non logged in users.
    This code is ALPHA! Use it at you own risk!
    It currently has only been tested in the following configuration.
    Wordpress 3.4.2
    Firefox 16.0.2
    IBM PC
    This code is a public development fork of WP User Frontend.
    It is not written by or supported by the author of WP User Frontend (Tareq Hasan) and is not an official release of WP User Frontend.
    So please be aware this code may not be included in the next official release of WP User Frontend.
    Please report bugs via this special topic on the WP User FrontEnd forum 
    Please report only bugs here. 
    All suggestions for updates to WP User Frontend need to go to the normal support forum.
    This update requires the pre-installation of WP User FrontEnd version 1.1.
    If you have another version of WP User Front End installed this update will not work.
    Changed code is in /wp-user-frontend in the same directory structure as the original files.
    Before using make a copy of your original files for safe keeping just in case something breaks.
    Then copy the files across.
    Examples of use are provided in the directory /examples.
    Add Post Shortcodes
    Shortcode examples::
    	[wpuf_addpost close="false"]
    Shortcode options:
    	post_type: post | <otherPostType>
    		post: (default)
    		<otherPostType>: other post types
    	close: true | false
    		true: will display close button and redirect to last page on close (default)
    Edit Post Shortcodes
    Shortcode examples::
    	[wpuf_edit close="false"]
    Shortcode options:
    	close: true | false
    		true: will display close button and redirect to last page on close (default)
    Last word
    Hope you find this useful. Please report bugs as mentioned above.
    Big thanks to Tareq Hasan for his work putting together WP User Frontend.



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  • Thread Starter professor99


    Thanks loginid for your bug report. They are always useful because it’s pretty much hard to test everything from our end so things do go astray.

    Strangely enough you initial post did get me thinking about one problem with drafts I hadn’t thought about which was as you outlined but without a post status field.

    However with the additional info your installation is reporting problems we don’t have.

    A child category in WordPress is a category with a parent category. The categories shown in the category list can be both types.

    Generally problems like this are caused by themes and other plugins so try the following tests to see if it fixes the problem.

    1. Set the theme to a standard WordPress theme such as 2010 or 2011.
    2. Deactivate all other plugins.
    3. Test as admin.

    If that works start working backwards to locate the source(s) of the problem(s).

    Report back to us the results and include the version of WordPress you are using.

    Hey Professor99 – OK.
    Will try to disable all themes, etc. and see how I go.

    Good to know that it functions properly for you, will try to nail down the problematic code in the next few days.

    Drawing on what you’ve said above, something you should consider also is that if a post is Approved / Published by an Admin. Then user goes back into dashboard, they can then edit that post and add whatever they wish and the post will still be in a Published state.
    So for example a malicious user can add a good post, then once it has been Published, they can go back in and update with spam and the system will allow it and still see it as a Published post.

    Posts that have been edited really need to go back to Pending / Draft status.

    Will let you know how I get along.


    Heya ..

    Just tested it thus:

    1. Deactivated all plugins apart from your fork.
    2. Activated default theme (2012)
    3. Logged in as Admin
    4. Submit new post via front end, post defaulted to Pending
    5. Went to Dashboard (logged in as admin)
    6. Edited new post, change status to : Draft & update.
    7. Post still in Pending.

    Can’t seem to change that status no matter what? ??

    WordPress version : 3.5.1

    Thanks for any advice.

    Thread Starter professor99


    That’s really strange as I am running it on one of my test beds with a default WordPress 3.5.1 installation and a Twenty Twelve theme.

    Firstly is the category problem fixed by the above tests?

    What browser(s) have you tried it on?

    Could you try it on FireFox with the Firebug addon. See if any error messages appear in the Firebug console tab.

    Alternatively if you have Google Chrome select Tools->Developer tools and then on the Developer window select console and try again

    Hi Professor99,

    Nup – the category problem still persists.

    Just tested on Chrome Version 25.0.1364.152 m
    With Console on and no errors.

    So strange :^(

    Thread Starter professor99



    Try the following just to make sure the data is being sent correctly.

    In Chrome do the following

    1. Go to your edit post screen
    2. In Chrome Developer Tools select the Network tab.
    3. Select the “Clear” icon which should be the sixth icon from the bottom left.
    4. Select the “Preserve Log on Navigation” icon which should be the icon next to the “Clear” icon
    5. change the post status and update the post
    6. Scroll to the top of the Network screen and you should find the file
    admin-ajax.php listed.
    7. Click on admin-ajax.php.
    8. Check the contents of the “Request Payload” item “wpuf-post-status”

    Hi there Professor99..

    Here is the contents of the Request Payload for item wpuf-post-status:

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”wpuf_post_status”


    But the status remains the same “pending”

    I also noticed your comment regarding the theme : TheStyle

    I was using this theme before, but have now reverted to 2012 default theme.

    Do you think there are remnants of the TheStyle bug still?

    Thread Starter professor99


    Forgot to ask you to check if the Response tab had any content (it shouldn’t)

    Not sure about the Style but the bug was different. Could you look at the file wp-content/themes/TheStyle/changelog.txt and tell me the version number of the last change at the top.

    No data in the response tab.

    Changelog.txt – first line:

    version 2.7 ( Updated: 4-04-2012 )

    Thread Starter professor99


    There actually is a response but google chrome doesn’t pick it up for some reason. Firebug does if you could try this. It’s important!

    The version of TheStyle you have got is earlier so I have a look at the changelog to see if it gives me a clue.

    Cool – I’ll try with FireBug as well in FF.

    But where should I look for errors?

    Thread Starter professor99


    Hi loginid.

    In Firefox check for errors as follows (I’m being specific because I want to reuse this for others)

    1. First try your problems to see if they still occur in Firefox.

    2. If you don’t have it already get Firebug. Add it to Firefox, then restart Firefox.

    3. If so click on the Firebug icon (on my Firefox it’s on the top right of the browser top) or alternatively invoke it from the menu Tools->WebDeveloper->Firebug

    i) Select The Firebug “Console” tab.
    ii) In Firebug select the “Persist” option near the top left of the firebug window.
    iii)Load the Frontend Edit Post page.
    iv) Select the Firebug “Clear” icon to clear the Firebug screen.
    v) Change the Frontend Post Status.
    vi) Click on the FrontEnd “Update Post” button.
    vii) Check the Firebug “Console” window for errors

    i) Next select the Firebug “Net” tab.
    ii)Again use the “Persist” option.
    iii)Load the Frontend Edit Post page.
    iv) Select the Firebug “Clear” icon to clear the firebug screen.
    v) Change the Frontend Post Status.
    vi) Click on the FrontEnd “Update Post” button.
    v) In the Firebug “Net” tab click on the “Edit Post” Firebug list item.
    vi) Then click on the “POST admin-ajax.php” item just below.
    vii) Click on the “Response” tab to view the response XML.

    Thread Starter professor99


    Hi loginid.

    One other question. Is your WordPress server local or remote

    Hi there – sorry about the delay.
    Had to go to the gym.

    OK – so I tried the steps in 4 and didn’t get any errors but the status did not change.

    Here is the response tab view for step 5:

    <root><success>true</success><message><div class="wpuf-success">Post updated succesfully</div></message><post_id>36</post_id><redirect_url>https://artpressrelease.com.gridhosted.co.uk/dashboard/</redirect_url></root&gt;

    Also my wordpress install is on a server.

    Thanks for all your help!

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