• Hi all,

    The code updates I have been mentioning in various packages are finally to a point where they can be released.

    The Readme follows.

    [ Moderator note: Backticks inserted, you really don’t need to post that here. A link would have sufficed. ]

    README 2RRR 1.0 For WP User Frontend Version: 1.1 fork: 2RRR 1.0 alpha
    This is a fork from WP User Frontend Version 1.1.
    It currently only applies to the Add Post and Edit Post functionality on WP User Frontend.
    Use of AjaxForm for Ajax style posts is the next step in this project.
    It focuses on both useability and ease of customerization.
    There are some bug fixes included as well.
    Some of these changes are outlined by the following items on the WP User Frontend support forum.
    Changes from WP User Frontend Version 1.1
     * Main Changes from Version 1.1:
     * Custom editor option added.
     * Editors use max availiable width.
     * Close button added as shortcut option and redirects set to suit.
     * wpuf_allow_cats filter added.
     * Security checks updated.
     * Code updated to allow use of wpuf_can_post filter for non logged in users.
    This code is ALPHA! Use it at you own risk!
    It currently has only been tested in the following configuration.
    Wordpress 3.4.2
    Firefox 16.0.2
    IBM PC
    This code is a public development fork of WP User Frontend.
    It is not written by or supported by the author of WP User Frontend (Tareq Hasan) and is not an official release of WP User Frontend.
    So please be aware this code may not be included in the next official release of WP User Frontend.
    Please report bugs via this special topic on the WP User FrontEnd forum 
    Please report only bugs here. 
    All suggestions for updates to WP User Frontend need to go to the normal support forum.
    This update requires the pre-installation of WP User FrontEnd version 1.1.
    If you have another version of WP User Front End installed this update will not work.
    Changed code is in /wp-user-frontend in the same directory structure as the original files.
    Before using make a copy of your original files for safe keeping just in case something breaks.
    Then copy the files across.
    Examples of use are provided in the directory /examples.
    Add Post Shortcodes
    Shortcode examples::
    	[wpuf_addpost close="false"]
    Shortcode options:
    	post_type: post | <otherPostType>
    		post: (default)
    		<otherPostType>: other post types
    	close: true | false
    		true: will display close button and redirect to last page on close (default)
    Edit Post Shortcodes
    Shortcode examples::
    	[wpuf_edit close="false"]
    Shortcode options:
    	close: true | false
    		true: will display close button and redirect to last page on close (default)
    Last word
    Hope you find this useful. Please report bugs as mentioned above.
    Big thanks to Tareq Hasan for his work putting together WP User Frontend.



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  • Thread Starter professor99


    Response is OK.

    Did you check if all other fields besides category and post status update ok?

    Thread Starter professor99


    Also could you confirm that the admin-ajax.php request header component ‘wpuf_post_status’ contains the same value that was set in the post status field.

    Thread Starter professor99


    Hi loginid,

    Cannot for the life of me see any reason for this happening. I will probably need a login to solve this one.

    I’m calling it a night but email me on abruinATihugDOTcomDOTau and I will follow it up tomorrow.

    Hi Professor99..

    Thanks for all the help.

    Yup – other fields are updating fine.

    Will email you now.

    Thanks for the help!

    Have a great night.

    Thread Starter professor99


    loginid’s reporting of the following a few bugs back is indeed a bug

    Also the child category for a post never seems to be picked up when editing a post from dashboard.

    It only applies if the Frontend option ‘Category Selection type’ is set to ‘Ajaxified’. Basically what happens if a child category is selected then on the post being re-edited the child category is shown as ‘-Select-‘ instead of the child category itself being highlighted. Workaround till this is fixed is to use one of the other Category Selection types.

    Thread Starter professor99


    A few posts back me and loginid had the folowing conversation


    Edit Post doesn’t change the status of the post unless the post status field is allowed and the user changes it. However in the case the post status field is not enabled it would make sense to set the post status to the default if the current post status is draft.


    Drawing on what you’ve said above, something you should consider also is that if a post is Approved / Published by an Admin. Then user goes back into dashboard, they can then edit that post and add whatever they wish and the post will still be in a Published state.
    So for example a malicious user can add a good post, then once it has been Published, they can go back in and update with spam and the system will allow it and still see it as a Published post.

    This is a great suggestion and I have now added code to the next development release to do exactly what is suggested above.

    ie If on editing a post the ‘Post Status’ field isn’t shown then on submit the post status should be reset to what is indicated by the Frontend option ‘Post Status’

    Thread Starter professor99


    Also the ‘Post Status’ field problem reported by loginid has also been found to be a bug.

    To fix in the current development version change the following lines in wpuf-edit-post.php in the function submit_post().

    //Set post status
    		if ( wpuf_get_option( 'allow_status') == 'on' && $this->logged_in && isset($_POST['wpuf_post_status']) ) {
    			$post_stat = $_POST['wpuf_post_status'];


    //Set post status
    		if ( wpuf_get_option( 'allow_status') == 'on' &&  isset($_POST['wpuf_post_status']) ) {
    			$post_stat = $_POST['wpuf_post_status'];

    Any chances this fork would ever become an official plugin release? Assume you’d need to get the Tareq Hasan’s OK. It just seems you’re the only person actually working on the code here and it would make sense to stream it off and have your own plugin build with regular updates.

    Either that or working with Tareq on getting all of these features into the official release.. it’s just so easy from our standpoint to upgrade plugins from the WordPress back-end in a few simple clicks.

    Thread Starter professor99


    Actually there’s mainly three of us working on Frontend code (Me, Tareq, and gpspake) although some others are helping too with bits and pieces. We are all collaborating on each others code.

    Tareq has a new Pro version coming out soon once he digests my long list of recommendations.

    Me and Gpspake have just managed to iron out Frontends problems with the image library in WordPress 3.5.1 which are integrated in the current development version.

    The development version will probably go beta once I add a few more bug fixes. Most if not all development features will be integrated in the next official version of frontend.

    Sometime down the line we will also be integrating some of Pro’s features into the standard Frontend

    Professor99 – that’s fantastic news ! Sorry to hijack your dev thread by the way. Any ideas what kind of features the pro version is going to have when it arrives? And a rough guess on release date? The image fix for 3.5.1 will be a welcome arrival.

    PS. Is it straight forward to modify the look and feel of the front-end post? We’re having a custom theme built for our website and would like to integrate some of the styling over to the front end post page.


    Thread Starter professor99


    Hi aesthetic,

    The Pro version features easy customization (pretty much everything) and multiple forms. It’s admin interface is very different to the current Frontend version.

    The Pro version was about to released but I recommended some changes to Tareq to make it easier to expand on it’s capabilities with future releases so it’s now been slightly delayed.

    As far as styling goes the development version is actually tighter than the version 1.1 but pretty much everything can be changed via wpuf.css. I can’t speak for the Pro version but I expect much the same.

    The image fix for 3.5.1 was already included in the last development release (4.3).

    Thread Starter professor99


    For those who have been viewing the last few posts with interest the Pro version just got released.

    I’m about to release a new development version in the next day or two with lots of bug fixes and some small enhancements.

    I looked at the Pro version, and the demo is running on 3.5.1, which is promising. Do you know if a standard version will be released with compatibility to 3.5.1? I would be willing to buy the Pro version, but I don’t want to spend the money until I can verify compatibility with my theme, etc.

    Thread Starter professor99


    Tareq is looking to release most of this development version as the standard version. The development version is already compatible with WordPress 3.5.1.

    Eventually some of the features of the PRO version will be folded into the standard version but this will not include the multiple forms and a lot of it’s other customization features.

    As far as outlay goes Tareq is very reasonable and I’m sure if the PRO version doesn’t work for you he will refund. He will also try to help fix any problems you find.

    Looks good! How about a 30% off coupon code for your early adopters :). Happy to buy the “Developer” version this week for use on unlimited sites.

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